Chapter 4: Time for Talent Show!

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(A/N: Alright! It's show time!)

-No one's P.O.V-

Today, everyone is in class for the talent show with both teachers standing in front of them.

Roswall: Okay, let's get this talent show staaaaarted. I've got pieces of paper in here with everyone's name on it. I'll draw them on at a time. And when your name is called, you'll show us your talent!

He puts his hand in the box and pulls out a small piece of paper and reads it.

Roswall: The first name is...Mr. Rerugen!

Rerugen: What? M-Mr. Roswall, why do I have to participate?

Cocytus: Because Mr. Roswaal said, "Wouldn't it be fuun?"

Ram: That settles it then.

Roswaal: We're all going to be friends here after all. You should go first and set an exaaaample.

Rerugen steps in front of the whole class and spoke up.

Rerugen: I am Erich von Rerugen, TA of Class 2. I humbly submit my performance of our empire's national anthem.

He then starts singing the whole empire's national anthem. This made you cringe...HARD. 

After Rerugen's cringey national anthem song. Some of the girls just have deadpanned faces from hearing that song. Rerugen finish the song and is sulking in the corner possibly of embrrassment.

Roswall: Now, who's neeext? 

He then pulls out a piece of paper and reads it outloud.

Roswall: Oh, it's Subaru!

Subaru: Heck yeah! Thanks to Mr. Rerugen, anything I do is going to look great by comparison. 

Ram: Sure, but I can't imagine you having anything is worth showing.

Subaru: I thought you'd say that sis, but I do have one amazing talent.

Rem: That was amazing, Subaru.

Subaru: But I haven't shown it yet.

Subaru then steps in front of the whole class and spoke up.

Subaru: Now, in my hands. I've got an ordinary length of string. 

He pulls out a string and continued.

Subaru: It has not been cut in many ways and there are no knots. But if I do this...and this...and then...

He then molds it into a tower in shaped of strings.

Subaru: Tokyo Tower!

The room was silent again.

Ram: Heh.

Then Subaru was on his knees of disappointment.

Subaru: No! I knew it was boring! 

Rem: No, it was extremely impressive. I have no idea what you did, bu still.

Subaru was back in his seat, as Roswaal spoke up.

Roswall: Okay, next!

He pulls out a piece of paper and reads it out loud.

Roswaal: Oh my, I guess it's (Y/N)'s next.

Everyone turned to you, as you smiled at this.

(Y/N): Alright, it's my turn. Oh uh, can I take a seat?

Roswall: Sure, you may.

You grabbed your seat and placed it down in front of class, as you began to speak up.

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