Chapter 4

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I chuckle, "My phone died due to the water. I don't plan to get one soon though."

"Then what are we idling here for? Let's go get you one." He said as he stood up.

"No nee-" He pulls me up from my seat, cutting my sentence short.

"Get your things together. After I put this book away, we're going." He lets go of my hand and went.

I close the laptop and notebook, putting them into my backpack. The pencil case was also stuffed into it, and I take the paper, folding it and putting it into my pocket. I prepare to leave when I see a former bully. Slowly avoiding her line of sight, I turn to leave, but our eyes met for the slightest moment before turning away.

"Y/n?" She softly spoke through the silence.

I stop in my tracks, remembering the horrible times I was pushed around by her. The countless times I was forced to a corner and ended up getting into trouble. I continue walking, head down as if I didn't hear her.

Her footsteps nears me, making me pick up my pace. Maki was notorious for singling out and bullying the girls if they opposed her. I was one of the many victims.

"Hey." Her tone was giving me attitude.

I still didn't respond as she follows me. She forces me to face her, grabbing my arm suddenly, grasping tightly. Her brows furrow as she continues to squeeze down on my arm.

"So it is you," She softly chuckles mockingly, "I almost couldn't recognize you."

"Let me go. I have somewhere I need to be." I said.

"Let's talk, y/n. Remember the good old times when we used to hang out together?" She was still not letting go.

"We didn't. Now let go." I said.

There weren't much people around and even if there were, we would just look like two friends having a fight. We spoke quietly, standing between the two book shelves. No one would see us if she were to try and hit me. Her fingers dug in, hitting one of my bruises.

"Let go. That hurts." I yanked my arm out of her hand.

"Did you get beat again? Your mom must not really like you." She said.

"Whatever I do is none of your business. She's not my mother anymore." I turn around and walk, but she grabs my hair.

"I'm not done talking, y/n."

"We're in college already. How long do you plan to stay a kid?" I angrily said, hands trying to pull back my own hair.

"You bit-"

"What are you doing?"

I turn back to Maki, looking at the person behind her. Killua quickly came and slapped her hand off my hair, not hesitating to push her back as he patted my head. He got in front of me defensively, looking furious.

"We're just catching up on old time. There's nothing wrong with that." Maki shrug.

"Is pulling her hair catching up on old times? How about I pull on yours, so the next time we meet again, I can say that we're catching up on that other time that we met?" He coldly said, towering over her with his height.

"No. Why are you with her anyway? She's an unwanted kid. Her bruises were so visible during those times that I even helped added more." She laughed quietly.

"So what if I hang out with her? At least she caught a bigger fish than you'll ever catch in your entire life." Killua retorts and walks off hand in hand with me.

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