She giggled, 'Cake!' She clapped her hands as she opened her mouth I made an aeroplane.

'Shhh.' I whispered as I put my finger to my lip. 'Don't tell mummy.'

She mimicked me before nodded with a cheeky grin on her face.

'You are just adorable!' Lola said as she bopped her nose causing Sophia to let out a loud giggle.

After a while Callum was outside waiting for Lola leaving Sophia and I in the coffee shop.

'Hiya princess.' I said as I looked from the window to her on my knee with her eyes on me. 'Are you excited to see Brad?' I asked even though she didn't know him. 'He's very pretty.'

I told her making a giggle leave her tiny mouth.

'Car!' She shouted as she pointed to the window and it just so happened to be Brad in his black Jaguar.

His car was even more sexy than him. I know, I was shocked too when I saw it for the first time.

'That's Brad!' I gasped as I watched him jump out of the car and run towards the door.

He was right about the storm. Just after I got off of the phone to him torrential rain started pouring from the clouds.

'Hello.' He waved at Sophia as he walked towards us.

She gave him a shy smile and snuggled into my side with her cuddly bunny in her hand.

'Do you want another coffee or do you want to head back?' He asked as he took a seat next to me after kissing my lips briefly.

'I might actually get a hot chocolate.' I said squinting at the menu.

'I'll make that two.' He said as he went up to the barista.

'Sophia what's my name?' I said in a baby voice as she played with my fingers. 'Auntie what?'

'Grax!' She shouted making me laugh at her cuteness.

'Yes baby!' I said as I gave her a cuddle.

Even though she wasn't technically my niece I still would refer to her as my niece seeing as me and Ellie were like sisters growing up.

'How was the studio today?' I asked Brad as he returned.

'It was good we're planning some exciting stuff.' He teased.

'Spill!' I said turning my full attention to him.

'I can't disclose that information with fans.' He shook his head.

'Oh come on Brad!' I begged him until he gave in. I knew eventually he would tell me seeing as he likes to build up attention first. 'I'll give you a bj.' I whispered.

His eyes lit up and he licked his lips trying to contain himself. 'We're going to start writing the fifth album.' He said waiting for my reaction.

'Brad that's amazing!' I said as I pulled him in for a hug.

I knew how much the band had struggled after their last tour and they were undecided of what to do, whether to continue or take a break.

They did take a break but they couldn't be away from one another more than two months. It was really getting Brad down thinking about if this was the end for the band.

'I've already wrote a song which is definitely going on it and James has one he has half written so yeah it's finally happening.' He said with a large grin.

'I'm so happy for you.' I said with a genuine smile on my face.

'I think we're aiming to release it around October time like we did with Wake Up so it's going to be a stressful few months but we've had too long of a break now.' He gushed over the new album and I can tell he is already excited.

Talk Later- BWSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora