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Ella sat in the house and looked to see as charity walked in "can i not go out yet mum, I am going mad and I know I had surgery but I'm so bored. Even if it's just for a drive around the village or something" Ella said as charity sat next to her and smiled

"maybe later, your dad said he would come around and see you" charity said as Ella looked to her and rolled her eyes at the mention of her father

"why? It's not as if he cares. He has been in and out of my life and I nearly died and he still wasn't there. It messes you up feeling like you had a parent give up on you and even when you were in jail it was moira who raised me. He let me down mum and it hurts. It damages you" Ella said as charity looked to her and smiled as she sat next to her and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know the feeling my father messed me up too but I promised that I'd never do that to my kids" charity said as Ella looked to her and smiled

"you didn't do this mum, you are a good mum and I know I've said over the years that your not but you are and I know you haven't always been there but you have tried and that is all that matters" Ella said as charity looked to her and smiled

Ella sighed as she heard a knock at the door. She stood up and answered it as she saw Cain

"oh it's you" she said as he looked to her and rolled his eyes

"charming, I know that I haven't been there for you lately but I am your dad and I wanted to see how you are" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"I'm fine, i don't need babying and i know that you are here because mum asked you to" Ella said as she sat down as he looked to her and nodded

"I know I have let you down but I'm sorry and I am going to make it up to you if you will let me" he said as she nodded

Ella stood waking through the village and smiled as she walked into Jamie

"sorry I wasn't looking where I was going you are charlee friend aren't you?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I am, I here that you are sticking around that's good" Ella said as Jamie smiled "yeah it's about time I spend some time with my family" he said as Ella looked to him and smiled

"I'll see you around" he said as Ella smiled. Ella knew that there was something about Jamie she liked but she knew over all the drama that she had with joe.

Ella looked as Jamie walked off that as charlee walked over and smiled as she looked to Ella

"I see you have her my brother"

"he seems okay"

"don't go there Ella, he is married and he has a kid trust me the last thing that she want is to go there" charlee said as Ella looked to her and nodded knowing that she was right but could Ella resist temptation?

Miss Dingle {Emmerdale}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora