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Ella knew how she was worried about things going wrong between her and Jamie. She knew that they had been making it work. Especially as she was having their baby.

She knew that she wanted to give her baby the family she never had. A family that loved each other. Ella's family did nothing but argue and fight.

That was one thing she didn't want for her baby. She didn't want the baby to grow up in a hostile environment. She knew the Dingle's. And while they were loyal, they could also turn on you quicker than lightning.

Ella knew her family didn't like the idea that she was involved with Jamie Tate. But she loved him. He had changed her life. He had treated her better then Joe ever did.

He was different to his family. He wasn't as harsh. Even Charlee had her bad moments. But Jamie... to her, he was perfect. And not how she would imagine Kim Tate's son to be.

Ella didn't know what was going to happen when the baby was born. She didn't know where the baby was going to be living. She knew Jamie wanted them to live at Home Farm. But Ella wasn't sure.

All she knew was that things were changing. And she just didn't know what to do. Or how to handle things.

Morning came and she found herself lying in bed texting Jamie. She smiled as he sent her a picture of the cot he had bought. She knew she was going to do everything she could to make it work with him.

The door opened and Charity walked in. She smiled. "Come on. The pints won't pull themselves."

Ella rolled her eyes. "I'm having a day off. I need to get some stuff for the baby. So that's what I'm doing," she told her.

"That's what Jamie is there for."

"It's not just his baby. And I know he has money. But I can't expect him to buy everything for it," Ella said as she stood up and got dressed.

She hated how her family weren't supportive of the fact that she was having a baby with him.

Ella went out into the village. She saw Charlee and smiled. "Hey. Where's armed forces barbie?" She asked.

"Don't even. I'm not talking to him. He's a jerk. He forgot the condom last time we had sex. So I'm not talking to him," Charlee said.

Ella smirked. "Why? You can have a baby too! That way mine can have a little best friend," she joked.

"No thank you."

Ella smiled. She looked to her. "Have you seen Jamie? I think we need to talk about what's going to happen when we've had the baby," she said.

Charlee smiled. "I think he's with the devil herself. I'm in hiding from them all. They're driving me insane," she told her.

Ella grinned and nodded. "Okay. Well I think I'm going to go find him. I hope you have fun hiding," she said as she hugged her and walked off.

Ella walked into home farm. Jamie was there with Kim. He smiled as he stood up and kissed her. "Hey. You okay?" He asked.

Ella nodded and smiled. "Yeah. I'm okay. Figured we could talk about the baby. And then we can go shopping for the baby," she said.

"Sounds good."

Ella looked to him and smiled. But were things going to be okay? Especially when a face from Ella's past came to haunt her?

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