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Ella sat in the cafe and looked as charlee walked in and smiled

"I thought that you weren't coming" Ella said as charlee looked to her and sighed

"sorry it's just drama at home I got held up" charlee said as Ella looked to her and frowned

"oh is everything okay" Ella asked as charlee smiled

"I'll tell you but you can't tel anyone else. Jamie is seeing someone else, he is having an affair and it is all going to end in disaster" charlee said as Ella felt the colour drain from her face

"have you asked him about it I mean it could be a misunderstanding" Ella said.

She knew that now charlee knew Jamie was involved with someone else that it would only be so long before the truth over her and Jamie came out and she was scared

she knew was they had done and how it was wrong but she knew that his marriage was over and how right it actually felt and she hated it, she hated how she had to keep it hidden

"I don't know I asked him and he admitted it and that he is falling for her so it must be serious" charlee said as Ella looked to her and frowned shocked at what she was hearing 
Ella stood in the house and looked as the back door opened as Jamie walked in

"where have you been and why didn't you tell me charlee knew but not that it was me I thought it was going to come out and I was freaked" Ella said as Jamie sighed

"I'm sorry I wanted to but I couldn't when my mum was having a go at me. I'm sorry" he said as he walked over to her snd hugged her as she rested her head into his chest and sighed

"this is such a mess" Ella said as Jamie smiled

"I know but it will be okay" he said as she looked to do and sighed

"it's not, I put it down to stress and everything but I'm late and I am scared and I don't know what to do. I'm so scared" Ella said as Jamie looked to her in shock and frowned

"your pregnant" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"I don't know but I think I could be" Ella said, she knew how terrified that she was and how she had no idea what she was going to do, Jamie looked to her and smiled

"whatever happens I am here for you okay, I promise " Jamie said as he looked to her as Ella smiled

Ella sighed as she sat in the house as she held a pregnancy test box. She didn't notice as the door opened and closed as charity walked over to where she was

"please tell me you are not" charity said as Ella looked to her and sighed

"don't start mum please I can't deal with it" Ella said as charity looked to her and sighed as she saw how scared her daughter was

"look it's going to be okay no matter what" charity said as Ella smiled but could Ella really cope if she was pregnant?

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