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Charity sat next to ella bedside. She looked to her teenage daughter and smiled. Her heart broke as she looked to her. Charity hated to see Ella like this.

Ella was so much like her and it often lead to them arguing all the time but drugs wasn't ellas thing. Charity knew that there was something off about it. Vanessa walked into the room and smiled "how is she?" Vanessa asked as she looked to the young girl that she loved as if she was her own

"there's no change but she had to be okay, I mean she this isn't Ella. She drinks yes but drugs, I know my daughter and I know that she doesn't do drugs" charity said as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed

"I just don't know what I'm going to do, I mean Cain is away in business. She is his daughter too, it's all so messed up" Charity said as Vanessa looked to charity and smiled

"Ella is going to be okay, I know that you are worried and that your scared but Ella is with the one person he needs it's you, and you need to be strong for her. For when she wakes up as she is going to need you" Vanessa said as charity looked to her and smiled

They looked as a doctor walked i and looked to charity "miss dingle, I need to talk you over Ella and her condition" he said as charity looked to him and frowned. She could tell by the way that she was looking at him that it wasn't going to be good news. She could feel it

"what is it?" Charity asked fearing for the worst

"Ella is in a coma and it seems the overdose she had has done more to her, she may never wake and I'm afraid you may have it prepare yourself for the worst of it, Ella May never wake from this again and if she does it looks like she may have kidney problems for the rest of her life. I'm so sorry" he said as he walked out of the room.

Charity stood frozen in shock, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ella had t I've okay. Ella was still her little girl on her eyes and she couldn't die. Vanessa walked over to charity and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"it's okay, it's all going to be okay" she said as charity sobbed as she looked to Ella. Charity want going to give up hope. She knew her daughter and she knew that she was a fighter and that she wasn't going to give up and die.

Charlee sat in the hallway off the hospital. She wanted to see how Ella was. Charlee looked to Sarah as she sat across the room. Charlee knew that something didn't make sense and it was Ella taking drugs.

She knew her best friend well and she knew that she was the type to take drugs, not how the doctors were talking. Charlee looked as Sarah stood up and walked for, Charlee knew. It was something to do with Sarah, Charlee walked after her and looked to her

"so what did you do to result in your auntie being in a coma" charlee asked as Sarah looked to her and sighed "I didn't man to, I swear that I didn't, I was scared and I it just happened. She took them but they were my drugs I was keeping for someone. It's all my fault" Sarah said as charlee looked to her for a moment and nodded

"yeah it is and it's time that you did the right thing, you do the right thing and tell your grandma the truth or I will and I won't be putting it as nicely as you, you little drug dealer. Wouldn't your mother be proud it's a good job she isn't exactly here" charlee sod walking off.

She wasn't going to let Sarah get a ya with putting Ella in hospital

Charity sat next to Ella's bed. She ran a hand through her hair as she heard the sound of beeping. She looked and frowned as she saw doctors and nurses risk or. Charity looked to Ella and paled. She felt sick. She was less out of the room as she waited. She felt as if she was going to throw up as a Doctor walked out

"is she okay?"

"Ella is awake of ypu would like to see her" he said as charity said in relief. She walked into the room and walked over to Ella and kissed the top of her head

"are you trying to kill me"

"I'm sorry mum" Ella said as Charity looked to her and smiled

"it's okay, don't worry. It's all going to be okay" she said but little did she knew the real reason why Ella was in hospital and how it was sarah and it would only be so long until she found out the truth

Miss Dingle {Emmerdale}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora