"Carrie was an agent working for my team at the time of her murder. For which you and whoever you're working with is responsible for." Josh stated.

"Josie, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed myself. Why don't you go grab James and tell him that I'm ready to leave." David told her without taking his eyes off of Josh's. They were exactly the same height, so they were looking each other eye to eye. Maya smiled up at him before giving Josh one more look and then walking off.

"Give me your ear piece." Maya said as she came up behind Zay, who jumped before turning around with wide eyes and stared at Maya.

"Are you insane? You can't be talking to me!" Zay snapped at her. Maya shook her head at him.

"Give it!" She told him before reaching up and yanking it out of his ear. She ducked under a table and hid underneath as the table cloth came around to hide her from view. She put the ear piece in her ear and listened closely.

"...seem to know a lot." David's voice carried over from the ear piece and into her ear. "Tell me Agent, who invited you here tonight?"

"You've made a pretty big name for yourself around New York." Josh spoke. "Don't need an invite to know where to show up." David chuckled.

"I suppose you're here to interrogate me? Think that I'm up to nothing but trouble?" David asked him.

"I know you're up to nothing good. But that's a conversation for another time. You sent the open invitation to anyone in New York to come and hang around. Figured I'd take advantage of that freedom." Josh told him.

"What are you really here for, Agent? You've obviously got something to say to me." David told him. Josh shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess you can say I'm a little interested in knowing just what this charity event is leading up to. Tell me, David. What exactly is the money from the event going towards?"

The table cloth was pulled up, Maya felt a rush of wind before she was pulled out by her arm. Maya stumbled a little as she looked up and glared at the person who grabbed her.

"You don't listen!" Michael snapped at her. He took the ear piece away and slammed it back into Zay's hand. "Do you realize if anyone has seen you talking with him then you're dead?! I thought I told you to stick by him!" Michael snapped at her. Maya yanked her arm away from him and glared.

"Why don't you stop lying to me about all of this and tell me what the hell is going on? I thought we agreed that this was too dangerous for them. Why are they here?" Maya asked him. Michael looked over to where David was still talking to Josh and then back at Maya.

"We has to stop him from getting money from this event. Out of all the plans that were thought up, this seemed to be the more sensible one!" He told her.

"So you put a target on my teams back?!" Maya whispered yelled at him. "What is he decides to go after them like he did Carrie?" Maya asked him.

"Then that's where you come in." He told her. Maya shook her head at him, but there was no time to argue as David had just walked away from Josh and was clearly looking for them. "We have to go. Now." He demanded as he grabbed Maya's arm to pull her off.

"Hey, take it easy!" Zay snapped as he glared at David for pulling roughly on Maya's arm. David glared back at him. Maya recognizing the danger in the situation, cut in quickly.

"It's alright, Zay." She whispered. "Let's go." Michael let go of her arm and they walked off towards the exit where David was waiting on them.

"I have to make a quick announcement." David stared to them, his face cold and stern. "I'll be right back." He said. He left Maya and Michael at the exit of the arena before going to the stage and picking up the mic. The live band stopped playing immediately.

"What's he doing? Is he still doing his speech, I thought he wanted to leave." Maya said. Michael shushed her.

"Ladies and gentleman, I appreciate you all being here and supporting this charity event." Applause broke out across the arena. Maya looked over and her eyes met Josh's once again. Michael nudged her shoulder and she immediately looked away and back at the stage. "Unfortunately something had come up and I have to leave early. My deepest apologies but I'm afraid that we are not able to take the money at this time and put it towards what we were planning for. So everyone who has already donated, please return to the front desk with the slip that was given to you and my secretary will give you a full refund. Thank you."

A small smile twitched at the edge of Michael's face before it went back to remaining neutral. Maya guessed that whatever the plan was worked, because David would no longer be able to get whatever it was that he was planning. David made his way over towards them, ignoring everyone who tried to stop him and talk.

"Let's go." David demanded as he grabbed Maya's hand and pulled her out of the exit.

A slight twitch came to Maya's own face as she thought about what happened. On the bright side, doesn't seem like David would be up to having their own celebration that night anymore.

Thanks for reading and following along! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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