Chapter 5

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" I repeat, glancing over at Preston.

He slips off his suit jacket and carefully lays it down over the back seat before he turns towards me with a smile. "I'm positive," he confirms. He bends his arm and unbuttons the cuff before rolling the sleeves to just below his elbow. Then he repeats the process on his other arm. "Let's go," he states.

"Wait," I request. I lean towards him and reach out with both hands, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. I pause, assessing him before I unbutton one more. "There," I declare, with a gentle pat to his chest.

I start to pull away when he grasps my wrists with both hands and presses his lips to mine, causing me to gasp in surprise. He takes that as an invitation and pushes his tongue inside my mouth. I kiss him back reflexively, before pulling back and pasting a smile on my face. "Now, I'm ready," he mumbles.

He climbs out of the car and I grumble to myself, "Fanfuckingtastic," before I push my own door open. He steps in front of me and reaches his hand out to assist me. I grasp it and climb out of the car. My heart begins to pound and I feel my body heat with anxiety. I take a deep breath, trying to pull myself together. I don't want to take a step in there with anything but my usual confidence. I pause, forcing myself not to dig my heels into the ground. "Wait," I state, before he has a chance to open the door to Bro's. He stops and looks at me, arching his eyebrows in question. "Um...can you mind if I get a selfie of us for my blog?" I stammer, awkwardly, not able to come up with any other excuse on the spot.

He chuckles softly and nods in agreement, taking my anxiety about bringing him here tonight for nerves because of him, but I don't care. "Of course," he grins in response.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. I quickly dig out my phone and tap on the camera before I hold it up in front of us. I snap the picture and type out a caption. "Out celebrating my new internship!" I quickly post it and slip my phone back into my purse.

He leaves his hand low on my hip and guides me towards the door. He pulls it open and I reluctantly step inside first. He walks in right behind me, his hand immediately returning to my hip as I quickly scan the room. My eyes almost instantly find Matt back by the pool table. He's standing with his arm around the same red head, tilting his head down as she whispers something in his ear. He throws his head back and laughs, making my stomach flip at the sexy sight. He steps away from her and saunters around the pool table. He glances up just before leaning down to take a shot and his gaze crashes into mine. He visibly flinches as Preston's arm falls to my shoulders, before he tears his eyes away and takes a shot.

"Do you see your friends?" Preston inquires.

"Um, not Carrie," I reply honestly.

He glances towards the pool table critically before looking back at me, but thankfully he doesn't say anything. I force myself to scan the rest of the room and quickly spot Carrie's short, pixie-styled dark brown hair. "There she is," I announce.

Preston lets his hand slide down my back, before he clasps my hand in his, as I lead him towards Carrie along with a few other familiar faces. Carrie turns just as we reach her, her hazel eyes lighting up at the sight of me. She throws her arms around me and happily declares, "Amy, you came!" I reach up, since she's almost seven inches taller than me and return her hug with my free arm. She pulls back and glances over my shoulder at Preston, noticing our joined hands. She smirks and proclaims, "And you brought a hot date."

Preston chuckles and releases my hand to shake hers. "I'm Preston," he introduces himself. "And you must be Carrie," he continues.

She nods and proudly announces, "That's me." She turns towards the rest of the group standing with her, including two men, both tall with dark hair and eyes and three women, all of which I believe I went to high school with, but I don't remember their names. Two have dark brown hair and one has hair as black as night, but all of them are tall and as beautiful as Carrie. "And this is everyone else," she states. She looks back at me and informs me, "We all work together at Vice Corp."

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