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This is now a sample of "Unforgettable Mistakes" because it is published. It is a stand-alone romance story, but it is part of The Unforgettable Series and better read in order (Books 1-5 are available in both paperback and on Amazon Kindle). For those of you that have read my Unforgettable Series, now an award-winning series, this book does come in succession after book number five, "The Unforgettable One". I meant for that to be the last book in the series for so many reasons, but I've been asked several times to hear different characters stories. So, I decided to add another one I've played with writing many times, but I held back until now. I'm finally telling Amy's story. Amy is Bree's best friend from "The Unforgettable Summer" and makes small appearances in the other stories.

Before continuing, keep in mind, THERE ARE SPOILERS! Although, each story is about different characters and they are all stand-alone novels, the books are sequential in time, so when characters make appearances or are mentioned, there will be spoilers, guaranteed! In fact, those of you who have read the series will concur that there will be HUGE SPOILERS just knowing this book is about Amy, especially from the Award-winning novel, "The Unforgettable Summer". If possible, read book one first, before continuing here and even book two, "Unforgettable Nights," which features, another close friend of this group and is currently up for another award.

***To help with this, I'm making The Unforgettable Series books part of a kindle countdown deal starting August 10, 2020 and ending August 17, 2020 on both and So, the sooner you buy, the less you spend or borrow for free as part of prime or unlimited.***

Books in the Unforgettable Series in order:

The Unforgettable Summer

Unforgettable Nights

Unforgettable Dreams

Unforgettable Memories

The Unforgettable One

*Unforgettable Mistakes – This book!

Back in high school, Amy was the popular, peppy head cheerleader, who loved being the center of attention. Then in college, she was the girl with a lot of friends who was always the life of the party, which has led to a rocky road with even some of her closest friends. Now, that she graduated college and it's time for her life to begin, she's not sure who she is or where she fits in. A year after graduation in Maine, she moves back to Massachusetts as promised, when her career doesn't move beyond her job at the coffee shop.

Amy's family life has never been what it seems. She's always been daddy's little girl, but now she struggles to live up to both her parents' expectations.  Then again, she has a talent for pretending. Her parents have an idea of the type of job they want her to have and the type of man they want her to marry, so she dates their idea of the perfect man for her and has fun with the men she wants. The one man who has been a constant in her life, always there for her in any way she's wanted or needed is also one of her best friends, Matt Young. They've always had the perfect arrangement, so what's changed? Does Amy deserve her happily ever after? And will she get it?

Matt has never been shy when it comes to women.  He's had several girlfriends, albeit briefly, slept around when he wanted and doesn't have a care in the world.  At least that's how most of his friends have always seen him, including Amy, but he's always been a big romantic at heart. He began falling for Amy many times throughout the years, but she'd always insist they weren't serious. So, he did what he had to do and faked it. He took the parts of her she was willing to share with him. He was always helping her, pulling her out of trouble or uncomfortable situations, but he'd keep doing it as long as she was safe.

Now that their friends are all getting married and even starting families of their own, he's ready to start his own future. Will he take his chance or decide it's time to move on? Will Amy go against her parents' wishes? Will she realize she's had what she's needed all along before it's too late?

*****There is bad language, sex and adult situations, please read at your own discretion. Advised for 18+ years!!*****

Have you read the other books in the Unforgettable Series? Do you have a favorite? Why?

Do you have a favorite character or couple in the Unforgettable Series? Why?

Is there anyone in this series that you wanted to see more of that I haven't written about yet?

Meet the Main Characters...

Amy Stone

Two sides of Amy

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Two sides of Amy...

Two sides of Amy

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Matt Young Then...

Matt Young Then

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Matt Young Now...

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