Part 8: Blair Silver?

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to be friends?"

I nearly have a stroke. "Uh... yes! Yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yes." I nod my head like a crazy person.

He takes a step closer, one of his hands fluttering just above my waist before gently settling there. I stare up at him, feeling my heart beating at the speed of sound in my chest. "Are you sure?"

My mouth is so dry I'm not sure how I manage to make sound. "I... I think so?"

He pulls me a little closer to him, still holding my waist, and I think I might pass out. He's faintly smiling as he says, "You don't sound sure."

The only sound I can manage this time is a little squeak. One of his hands comes up to my cheek, and he runs his fingertips over my skin so gently that I feel lightheaded.

"I don't want to be friends, Theo," he says in such a low voice that I'm having a hard time staying upright.


His hand finally rests on my cheek, and he's smiling a little as he tilts my head up so our faces are only centimetres apart. "May I kiss you?"

This can't be real. I must be dreaming. There's no way I'm breathing the same air as Blair Silver (like, directly. Our faces are so close), much less hearing him ask to kiss me.

I realize that I don't care if it's a dream. I nod.

A moment later, his lips brush mine so softly that I might not have felt it if I wasn't hypersensitive to his touch right now. I whimper a little, and he presses a little more firmly. If I was capable of moving, I'd be arching into him and holding him as close to me as humanly possible. Instead, I just stand there like I'm paralyzed and let him kiss me.

I've never been kissed (by, like, not family- though, they don't kiss me on the lips), so I don't know if this is objectively as exceptional as I think it is. His mouth was slightly open before he kissed me, which meant that he could then close his lips over mine and it felt so good that I forgot to breathe. He kisses me over and over and over and I think I'm about to pass out because I feel so lightheaded and my heart is racing at a million miles a minute.

When he stops, I'm gasping for breath. He's not, because of course he's not. It's about then that I realize we're still standing in front of my house and my parents could see us. It's about one second later that I realize I could not care less.

He's smiling at me still, and I'm sure I'm staring at him like a complete idiot. Unfortunately, he seems to realize the same thing as I did a second ago and glances over my shoulder at my house. "You should go in. Your parents will be worried."

I don't. Instead, I continue to gaze up at him. "But... what- why- what does this..." He's Blair Silver, I remind myself. He probably kisses people whenever he wants because let's be honest, who's gonna say no? It means nothing, Theo. Don't read into it. "I mean, yeah. Okay. I will. And... I won't tell people about this, either."

"Why not?"

I frown up at him, confused. His hand is still on my cheek, and he brushes his thumb over my skin. I sigh a little and lean into his touch. "Because... I don't know. I don't know. Do you want me to?"

He continues lightly stroking my cheek, smiling a little. "I don't mind either way."

I narrow my eyes at him. "So you do want me to?"

He looks like he's amused, but trying not to smile too much. "Just go inside. I'll see you tomorrow."

His hand slips from my cheek, and his other one from my waist, and he gets back on his motorcycle. I know I should move, but I can't bring my feet to do it, so I just stand there and watch him. He notices me watching and one corner of his mouth turns up a little more (his dimple appears) and he winks at me- actually winks at me- before driving away (is it driving if it's a motorcycle?).

Eventually, I go inside my house, feeling dazed. His lips... his almost smile... his dimples... his-

"I'll see you tomorrow."

The thought of seeing him again makes me more excited than it should. If he's not planning on avoiding me, like that sentence implies, then maybe the kiss did mean something.

It's only like, two hours later, when I'm in bed, that it finally hits me that it's Friday and I will therefore not see him tomorrow.

So much for the kiss meaning something. 

Were you surprised that Blair Silver was the person on the motorcycle? What are your thoughts on their conversation? And how about the kiss? Do you think that it means something, or no? Blair did say he'd see him tomorrow...

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