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Sam's POV

It looks like I'm not the main character after all. Nevermind... At least, I'm part of it. And hey, I'm the one with the rare superpower,right? Apparently, we don't go to Ingenium because it was closed after the brutal headmaster was arrested. All the people with superpowers have to conceal their abilities to avoid greedy villains. Well, what happened on my parents' last year there was not the first.

We went to school like usual today. Mum drove me and Andy even though she seldom drove me to school. Maybe she's still worried. Sophia walked to me when she saw us entering the school.

"Where had you been, yesterday? I'm worried, Sam. You'd never skip school!" She rambled.

"It's only for a day, Sophia. I was just visiting my sick aunt." I lied. "And you! You were not in school too. It supposed to be your second day here." She continued looking pointedly at Andy. "I-I I was just visiting my aunt,too. She was very awful,yesterday." Oh my goodness, this boy really doesn't know how to lie.

"Right." She said completely didn't fall for that. "Let's go, Sam. There are many things you have to explain." There it goes...

"Don't worry you two go on. I'll be okay." Andy said when I send him an apologetic look.

Andrian's POV
I started to find my first class after the girls left me. Thankfully, the school is not very large so maybe it's not that hard,right? After circling the same corridor, a boy perhaps my age approached me.

"Hey, I'm new here. Can you help me find my class? It's biology with Mrs Gale." He asked.

"Oh, we have the same class. Apparently I just moved here to. Maybe we can find it together? I'm Andrian Storm by the way, but call me Andy. What's your name?" I said. Somehow this guy looks familiar to me. Where did I met him before,though?

"Really? Well,I'm Philip. Philip Grey." I choked on my breath when he said that. Phillip, my old friend. I finally met him!

"Philip? You're Philip?!"

"Yes. That's my name. Is that how you act when people introduce themselves to you?" It's truly him! His sarcasm is still there. But this confuses me.

" Umm... Did you have a superpower?" I'm an idiot!

"N-no, that's silly!" He retorted unconvincingly. There's no doubt he is my best friend or ex-best friend for the matter. " Don't you remember me? We were best friends when we were 7." I tried.

"Something happened to me that year. I lost some of my memory. I'm sorry,Ant. Did I always called you that?"

"Yes,Pill! You always called me that because you thought my name was Anty." I almost shouted excitedly but controlled myself to avoid any attentions.

"And you called me Pill? How did I ever be your friend,mate?"

"Well, there are so many things I wanted to tell you,old friend..."

A.N: Finally it's the end! Sorry for the late updates. I lost my ideas sometimes. Also, I'm very sorry if this story is kinda crappy and has many grammatical mistakes. It's my first story😔. But, thank you for all of you who read it😆! If you like it, please vote and comment. Until next time...

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