Chapter 8

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Andrian's POV

" Don't worry.They were just looking for you at school. I already called them saying that you're okay." Flora said.

" Oh! I'm so sorry for making you worried like that..." Sam apologised while looking at her feet. Well that,made me shifted uncomfortably. I am the one who had to explain this to them,not her.

" Well, that's okay,dear. How about you explain what happened exactly?"

" No, Mrs Hayfall. I think that it will be best if I'm the one telling the story. The truth is......................I was just borrowing her." I blurted out the last sentence.

They just stared at me dumbfounded while Sam glared at me like I was just committed a crime or something.

" The truth is exactly,mom,Flint. He actually kid- "

"Kidding! Yea... I was just kidding." I cut her.

"Why would you kid us?" Flint asked looking straight into my eyes. He really got on my nerves. Luckily there was someone knocking at the door that saved me.
"That might be Carter and Melanie. I'll check." Mrs Hayfall said. "I'll go with you,mum." Flint said leaving me and Sam alone.

"Hey Sam, can we discuss about this before telling them?" I asked.

"Why? What's the matter?"

"Well, just look at your brother's face. He'll kill me if he know I almost brought you to a super villain!"

"What!? He won't do that.."

"Are you sure? What if he does,then? I wouldn't be there to say I told you so because I already dead!"

"Oh,stop talking nonsense! I know my family well enough. Anyway,you're the one who save me from your father. You know what? I'll tell them. You look nervous, who knows what you will ramble in front of them." She said and chuckled.

"Okay,then. I hope that you are right."

" I seldom left." She joked.

"Don't you know you're horrible at making jokes?" She just laughed before her family came back. But this time there were a little girl and a man in his forties joining us.

"So,Andrian,this is my husband,Carter and my youngest daughter, Melanie. Carter,Melanie,this is Andrian Storm,Sam's friend." Flora said. I just smiled at

"Nice to meet you, young man." Carter greeted before he rushed to his oldest daughter as soon as he saw her. Melanie just stood close to her mother. Maybe she just shy, I thought.

Sam's POV

I was surprised when suddenly dad gave me a bone crushing hug. "Where have you been? I had looked for you all over the school but you were not there. I'm afraid something happen to you." It hurts when he said that.

"Don't worry,dad. I'm okay now. I was about to tell them what happened when you came."

"If that so,everyone take your seats, then!" He ordered .


"Where is that boy?! What taking him so long? I want that girl's powers now!" The lab shook a bit when the man shouted out of frustration. He walked out of the lab and searched the entire house for his son and the prisoner but he seemed to be alone there.

"Do you think that you'll get out that easily,boy?" He said to himself and went to get the device that he invented just to locate where his son might teleport but to no avail.

"You are smarter that what I thought,son. But I'll make sure that you can't hide forever...." He smirked and began to continue his work and it sure is not good.

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