Chapter 12

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" You bastard! LET.ME.GO!" Loria shouted. She was tied on a chair in a what looked like a lab.

" Oh,shut up will you? I'm sure that son of yours will be a hero and save his mommy." William said with a sneer.

" Don't you dare lay your fingers on him."

" Don't worry, my dear. It's not him that I want. It's that little friend of his that I want. Don't you know? Our old friends had a daughter with all the elements. I really don't know how those idiots could conceive such a precious child."

" Wh-"   She didn't finished her sentence as there was a loud crash upstairs.

" Good, there are finally here." He said before going to the stairs.

Loria tried to free herself while William was distracted with the sound upstairs when suddenly she heard a loud crack somewhere behind her. Fortunately, she knew better than to shout 'who's there' to the intruder. Luckily, William was too deaf to hear it.

She was surprised to see a tall, brown haired boy slowly walked towards her from where the sound had came from. He put a finger on his lips indicating her to stay quiet. She obeyed while the boy slowly worked on untying her from the chair. Somehow, the boy looked familiar to her.

"Don't worry mum, we are here to save you." He whispered.


That was what he called her. This is too good to be true. She finally met her son since who knows how long!

" Andy is that really you? Am I dreaming. Are you really here?" She whispered tears started to pour down her cheeks.

"It's really me, mum! But right now we have to get you out of here safely." He said while wiping off her tears.

" No, dear. I'll fight with you. He's my husband after all."

"But mum-"

"No buts, this is my fight as well. I'm gonna join you to defeat him." She  stated firmly.

" Good to have you in the party as well, Loria."  William was standing at the edge of the stairs with a struggling Sam in his arms.

"LET HER GO, YOU MONSTER!" Andy shouted.

"Is that how you talk to your father? All this time I took care of you. That's what you call me?" He said with faked sadness.

" What do you mean? All this time you just force me to do your evil deeds and hit me if I refuse. What kind of father is that?!" Andy said furiously.

" Oh yea..You know, your job is done now I have this girl. You can get out of my life now." He replied like it was no big deal.

But before Andy could say anything, William let go off Sam while shaking his hands in pain. It looked like that sneaky girl had burned his hands while he was holding her.

" YOU FILTHY GIRL!" He shouted while examining his burned hand.

" Now you know not to mess with a girl like me." She said while smirking. Before he could do anything, there were vines that suddenly spiralled towards his feet making him unable to move.

She quickly rushed to Andy and Loria to make sure there are okay.

" We're fine, dear. Now listen to me. You must get rid of the ring that he's wearing there." Loria said while pointing at the silver ring on William's right ring finger. " I believe your power is powerful enough to do that." She continued.

" I..I'll try." She replied uncertain with her ability. After all she seldom use it.

After convincing herself, she tried to make the vines spiral higher towards his right hand and pull out the ring but failed. It was harder than she thought and William's evil chuckle wasn't helping at all. She tried again by lightning up the ring in fire. William's smirk wiped off immediately when he saw that his hand was in fire,again. She just continued burning the ring until she was satisfied. Then, once again she tried to pull it off with the help of the vines. It worked! 'THANK YOU, SCIENCE!' She thought.

William suddenly dropped unconscious as soon as it was off his finger. Without further ado, she formed a sharp ice and smashed it on the ring destroying it. Unsatisfied, she burned the pieces into ashes. 'Well that feels good' she thought.

" What do we miss?" A confused looking Carter rushed down the stairs followed by his wife.

SuperpowersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora