The Weird Portal - Villager Diary

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I just woke up, mom made me some bread for breakfast, After the delicious bread I went to my room to pack my bag, "Building Textbook, Check. Shulker box, Check, Running boots, Check, Wooden sword, Check." I mumbled to myself. "I'm ready to go mom!" I shouted. "Have fun at school Daniel!" My mom replied, Then I ran out of the house, because it was 7:54am! School starts at 8:00am!

Getting to school
Oh boy, I'm gonna be late for school! I was running and then I saw Ethan holding something that looked like wings? "Hey Ethan! What's that thing you are holding?" I asked loudly, Ethan immediately put it in his bag and took out some leather boots, "Oh that's just my running shoes" Ethan lies, I was confused, were those wings boots? Did I see it wrong?
"It's a surprise for running class if you saw what I was holding, but if you didn't it's just some running boots." Ethan said, "Uh oh, we are late for school, better get going" Then Ethan starts dashing towards the school, if my terrible math is correct we were 32 blocks away from the school. Welp, I better get running too, So I followed Ethan to the school.

"ETHAN AND DANIEL, YOU ARE LATE FOR SCHOOL AGAIN, I WILL SEE YOU TWO IN DETENTION AFTER CLASS" yelled Mr. Nose, "We can't go to detention because we need to uhhh... go to book club after school." Ethan said calmly. "If you two don't come to detention after class, I will speak to your parents after school" replied Mr. Nose with his grumpy face, "Welcome everyone to building class, we will be learning about how to build a safe house, now open your textbooks... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

30 minutes later - School
"That concludes today's building class, there is a test next week, so you better study" Mr. Nose finishes talking and then he speaks loudly "You people have a ten minute break until running class" I don't like Mr. Nose, he's grumpy. "pssst Daniel" Ethan whispers to me, "running class is gonna be so fun" How is running class gonna be fun? Running isn't fun.
I am not an expert as running but I would say I am pretty decent. I took out my drawing book and started drawing what I thought about the end, Shulkers that looks like zombies and lots of cobblestone, I wonder if the end has end villages? That would be cool, but sadly I don't even know if the end is real, I think it's fake.

10 minutes later - Running Class
Mr. Move shouted "Ready, Set, GO!" Me and Ethan we're running together, then I noticed, why did Ethan stop running? "Hey Ethan why did you stop running? Mr. Move is gonna be mad" I said from a distance, "Take this elytra Daniel, and these fireworks" Ethan simply replied. Ohhhh so that's what the wings were, what's an elytra? Before I could ask Ethan, I couldn't believe my eyes, Ethan just grabbed onto a firework rocket and started flying, I copied his moves and followed him in the air, Flying is hard and I don't know how he got those wings or "elytra".

The Ruined Portal
"We have arrived Daniel! This is place leads to a dimension called the nether" Ethan said happily. Pfft, what the heck was he thinking, there's only one dimension and that's the overworld, there's no silly nether or end. "HEY! DON'T OPEN THAT CHEST!" I yelled, but it was too late, Ethan already opened the chest and started placing weird black blocks on the weird frame portal, the portal is obviously fake, "The portal is fixed now I just need to make a fire." "There's no nether Ethan, don't be silly." "Ethan grabbed the iron in my shulker box and took the flint in the chest. He started rubbing the flint and the iron together on the portal, what was he doing? "What are you do-" The portal blinded my eyes for a few seconds and.... "WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Uh oh, me and Ethan slowly turned around... Mr. Nose and Mr. Move was right in front of us, The portal wasn't even open! I saw a weird purple thing in front of me and now it's gone! "YOU ARE COMING WITH US" Mr. Nose opened my inventory and confiscated my elytra and the fireworks, but he didn't take the golden axe that I found in that chest, that's weird. And to make matters worse, he took the 2 diamonds that I found on the chest!

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