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Yozora's POV:

"Are you sure you will do this alone Ryuu?" I asked him. He was standing in the hallway, staring at a window "I want to be the one to defeat jinko, nobody else can kill him but me" He looks back at me with such serious eyes that I got startled a bit. He moved closer and softly ruffled my head "I'll be fine, I'll be back before you know it Yozora" He plants a soft peck on my forehead as he walks towards the exit. I sighed, knowing I can't stop him. I simply waved "Don't get too carried away alright!?" I said to him, he waved back while exiting the building.

I went to the hangout cafe to check on the girls. They seem to be holding up well on their own. Ayune looks at me and simply waves at me "Hi Senpai!" She says brightly as she runs towards me, her blonde hair was all over her face. I laughed "Ayu~chan, do fix yourself" She suddenly realizes it and quickly grabbed a brush. Rizu was still making something in the oven, she was very shy. I heard she had come from the middle east, and she wasn't too familiar here. But I think she got along with Ayune well.

"How are things here Ayu~chan?" I sat down on one of the chairs. Ayune stops brushing her hair "Oh, its actually went really well today, right Rizu?" Rizu shyly nods, focusing only on the baked goods in the oven. Her brown hair swayed as she bends down to get the goods out of the oven "I'm..surprised...people are nice..." she says. She still has a bit of a broken japanese, but I know Ayune has been teaching her. "I see, that's good to hear. I do miss baking here. Doing mafia stuff gets really exhausting for me" I said, leaning onto the table as I stretched my arms out. "Well, you can't really blame your ability on that one Yora~senpai" Ayune grabs a broom and sweeps the floor "How are you and Akutagawa~san?" She asks out of the blue

"He just went on a big mission by himself today" I sighed once more. Ayune widened hers eyes "But isn't he supposed to have you come?" "He didn't want me to come, since he wanted to defeat Atsushi by himself"

I decided to help out on the cafe once more, I missed baking recipes here. The aroma reminds me of the old cafe. I wonder how they are doing now. I haven't visited in so long.

Hours later, Higuchi comes running to the cafe. She looked really panicked, she saw me and came up to me "Yozora~san! Where is Senpai!?" She asked me, her voice shaken "He went out to deal with Atsushi himself" "W-what!? Yozora~san why did you let him go by himself!?" Higuchi howls at me. "You know I couldn't stop him even if I tried to Higuchi~san..." I said slowly, trying to keep her calm. But Higuchi immediately snapped at me"He could be in danger as of right now! Didn't you think of that?! I thought you were supposed to be his partner! I didn't change to just have you leave him like this!" Higuchi then angrily runs off. I was completely speechless at what she said. And I felt really guilty, Ayune comes up to me and pats my back "You better go with her" I simply nodded and went after her

I saw her running towards a speed boat when I called her "Higuchi~san!!!!" I shouted. She turned around, confused at why did I follow her "You're not gonna get there on time! Come out! Fila!" Fila comes out and stands between me and Higuchi. I immediately sat on her back, and reaching out a hand to Higuchi "C'mon! Let's go get him!" Higuchi hesitates, but she shook her pride off and sat behind me

"Let's go Fila!" Fila spreads her wings and we flew off to the ocean "Which boat is he in Higuchi?" "The Karma Transit"

We then traveled to a boat that seemed to have exploded. Fila suddenly screeched "What's wrong girl?" Fila points her head on the ocean, where we saw what looks like Akutagawa's coat. "O-oh dear!" "Akutagawa senpai!!" Higuchi immediately jumped off Fila "w-whoa! Higuchi! Please be careful!"

Higuchi swam over to get Akutagawa away as the ship exploded once more "Fila, grab them! quickly!" Fila then grabs Higuchi and Akutagawa and tosses them behind me "Is he breathing Higuchi?!" I immediately question her, she then puts her head on his heart "I can't feel anything!"

"Fila, to the special hospital, now!" I then gave Higuchi a buckle. "Hold on tight alright!?" She fastens herself and Akutagawa as we flew at immense speed

Hours later...

I was now right beside Aku in his bed. His heart rate monitor beeping dangerously slow. His body was all bandaged up. I simply held his hand, crying as I did. My ability can only heal so much. But its not enough to fully get him back to his original state. "I should have known.." I then saw Higuchi by the doorway. Coming close and trying to reach for his hand. I stood up and immediately hugged her. She stood in shook "Yozora...san?" she blurted out. "If it wasn't for you..Ryuu would be in a different place now...You're amazing HIguchi, Thank you" I said as I cried in her arms. I felt something welt coming on my hair, only to realize Higuchi was also crying right now "Yozora~san...there's some I'd like to confess..." But before she could say anything, a guard came up to us and asked Higuchi to come to the boss's office. And so she left me with Aku alone.

I spent the rest of the hours sleeping beside Aku, but all of the sudden, a cloth went over my mouth and then I blacked out

Moments later, I woke up to what seems to be a storage building, I was tied up so tight I was unable to move a single bit. I panicked a bit, I saw Aku without his heart monitor or a mask. I tried getting out of the ropes but it made me unable to breathe. Just then, I heard a loud commotion. "Shoot everyone you don't know!" said a familliar voice, Tachihara? After a few moments, it calmed down. Higuchi then opens the door, looks at me and Aku in shook "Yozora~san! Akutagawa senpai!" She came to me and knelled to untie me. I saw her shoulder and thigh with gunshots. As she untied the cloth that kept me shot I immediately hugged her" Are you ok? I could heal them for you-" I'm fine Yozora~san"

She then goes towards Aku, he suddenly wakes up "Higuchi.." "senpai..your bleeding.." Higuchi grabs a hanky from her pocket but Aku stops her hand "I'm sorry.." Higuchi simply smiles

"It's my job"

Aku was then put in a port mafia van, me and higuchi went in as the van went off back to Port Mafia. I laid my head beside Aku once more. He looks at me and laid his hand on my back. He slowly said "I'm...ok.." as I softly smiled. I checked on Higuchi, but to my surprise. She didn't seem mad or jealous. She looked happy and satisfied as she sat across from us. I find that really relieving. I then happily slept. Knowing all was well now.

Falling for Dazai's sister. Akutagawa x Yozora/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now