Poem #14: Olive Garden Breadsticks

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Johnathan knew his date would be sweet

He reserved a special table

Near the window

A special seat

Jonathan knew his date would be coming

If she didn't;


He tapped his fingers and prayed she'd come

Now wouldn't that be something!

With all his courage he politely fiddled

At the utensils on the table

He looked around and took a sip

That is, if he was able.

Suddenly Margret walks through the door

Calm and collect.

She speaks to the receptionist

"Yes, the last table to the left."

As he leads Margret to John, they finally engage

They shake hands and smile.

Well behaved.

Out come the breadsticks

A simple cuisine

One wrong move though, and she could leave.

They talk for a while

Get familiar

Minutes pass and soon they build a

Relationship, something that's hard to obtain

John didn't know it yet, he was feeling mundane

So they talked

And talked

And talked through the night

Until the date was over

And they had to say goodbye.

John met Margret,

Margret met John,

In the end, both of them

Knew what was going on

They had to see each other




Because, well...

The breadstick bring each other together.

Isn't that a crime?

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