Poem #3: There's a Duck in the Bathroom Toilet

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There's a duck in the bathroom toilet

He caught me by surprise

I thought he was a dream

I just needed to rub my eyes

Before I even open the door

I heard a little quack

I thought it was my ringtone

Or maybe it was that

There's a duck in the bathroom toilet

I wanted to keep him soon

But it would be weird to keep a duck

He might take up all the room

I couldn't pull him off of it

He was comfy in my bowl

So I sat and stared at the duck

And planned out a goal

The duck in the toilet was swimming in circles

23, I think

The red feathers on his back was beginning to turn pink

So I grabbed myself a loaf of bread

And threw crumbs on the floor

And soon enough, wouldn't you know it,

The duck walked out the door

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