Things Coming Together

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After leaving Alastor, Angel went back to his own room, and as he quietly opened the door he saw that Pentious was coiled back up in the bed, his eyes closed, but Angel wasn't fooled into thinking that he was sleeping. His breathing was all wrong for sleeping. Angel sat down next to him, careful to not unexpectedly touch him. He saw Pentious' eyes, well some of them anyway, open to see what Angel wanted. Angel smiled, well, was still smiling to be honest, but he wanted to try to put the snake at ease.

"Hey, you should come downstairs for a while to get some food in ya. Ya ain't eatin enough, even I know it.” He could tell from the look on Pentious' face that he didn't really want to leave the room, but Angel pressed the issue. "Now listen, I ain't takin' no fer an answer. Antlers won't be down for a while, I bet" he chuckled to himself, mostly "So ya ain't gotta worry 'bout him givin' ya any trouble. An' I imagine I can get Niffty to stop workin' long enough ta eat with us. She's a real sweetie, that one." He had leaned towards the cobra conspiratorially, his eyebrows raised. Angel had noticed that Pentious watched Niffty awfully close when she was around, and he'd be willing to bet that Pentious was interested in her, at any rate.

"So c'mon. Let's get ya outta this stuffy room a bit" he said as he was standing up, waving the snake towards himself.

Pentious could see it was a losing argument, sitting up to slowly look himself over with an eye for decency. On a good day he never went anywhere without looking his best and now he was content to know his hood was mostly smooth and he had on an oversized shirt that he didn't know the origin of but it was soft. Better than being in a blanket.

It was nice to hear it could be an enjoyable social call, with the correct people, but the idea of crawling down there made him hurt on principle.

Abruptly an idea hit him, a perfect revenge for Angel's considerate nudge - it may only be with Angel, but the better he felt each day the more amused he was by the strange turn of events. When he wasn't panicked he could actually find it hilarious how much he rather liked this side of the porn star.

Gesturing with a hand for Angel to lean in, acting like he needed to show him something, Pentious waited for him to be close and launched at him. Twisted his arms around his shoulders and coiled against him in a teasing, demanding order to be carried.

Angel wasn't sure which had been more surprising: the fact that Pentious didn't put up much of an argument to going downstairs, or the fact that he basically jumped into Angel's arms!

"Oooh Daddy!" he teased "I didn't know ya cared" he took advantage of the situation and dropped a tiny peck to the end of the serpent's nose and cackled at the face the confused and confounded cobra made. "Glad to see ya feelin' a little better anyhow" Angel was sure that the naga could not have managed that leap a few days ago, so it was good to see that he was regaining some of his strength, slowly, but he was healing.

Angel had gently grabbed the snake's tail and tossed it over his shoulder more to keep it from dragging or being stepped on than anything else. Pentious was heavier than he looked, but he was still pretty light overall. Angel carried him to the dining room and set down his armloads of coils to go get food together for the recuperating overlord. Niffty had been busy, so there were a few different things laid out on the table, but all of them would likely require a tongue, which the unfortunate serpent didn't have enough of just yet.

"Hey there, shortstack!" Angel called out jokingly to Niffty "we got any soup in this kitchen? I got somebody special to come eat lunch wit us." It was precious to see her eye light up as she saw Pentious at the table. It looked as if there might just be interest on both sides of the table, both in the figurative and the literal sense, as Angel had strategically placed the cobra directly across from where Niffty usually sat.

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