Rest And Relaxation

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Late dinner was starting up when he arrived, most people settled around the bar and serving themselves from courses Niffty and the still manic Alastor had graced them with. Even Pentious had been drug down after an anxiety riddled conversation Charlie had with him and some more terrifying pain medication from the smiling overlord. Wrapped in a quilt he was doing all he could not to look at the pitcher he drank out of, which looked very much like an animal had been stuck in a blender on his behalf. 

Everyone looked when he came in, although most grunted or smiled his way in silence. Only Charlie waved, inviting him over with a sunny expression. "You're home early! We've got dinner, come on!"

Angel, as a side effect of currently being high off his ass, didn't have an appetite,  however, he knew he had to at least have bar access,  so he decided that a liquid dinner was in order. He helped himself to a shot of whiskey, sipping slowly and delicately, enjoying the bitter as much as the warming burn that followed as he listened in to the conversations around him, feeling fairly relaxed in the company. He pulled Charlie aside to see if he might trade working tomorrow for a day on the weekend, allowing him an entire day of rest from both jobs. Honestly,  he felt he could use it, especially since he knew Valentino had big plans two days from now. It was a rare occasion for the boss to tip him off to something upcoming, and although he had no idea of exactly what was planned, he knew it must be something really important to the pimp for him to grace Angel Dust with two entire days to relax first. 

Charlie agreed quickly, only giving Alastor a subtle side glance to see him nodding as he consumed anything untouched by others with a grace and speed that should have contradicted each other. Knowing it didn't interfere with whatever this new rehabilitation plan was, she bounced at the idea. "Of course! You've been working hard and everyone needs some time now and then. I'll plan for you to be free all day!" 

Her statement quickly turned into Vaggie using her own words against her, a loving but heated discussion about the princess's own lack of down time and any questions she'd had about Angel's day were left forgotten. 

Before long people were sliding back into their own nights, cleaning up, or settling in with drinks in hand. Having a bar really had been a huge temptation but a brilliant support of relaxing in the evenings.

Angel Dust managed to pick up most of the empty dishes and containers himself, assisting Niffty by carrying them all at once instead of her needing to make the several trips to and fro that the task would have otherwise warranted. The little demoness was overjoyed to have the assistance and convinced Angel to stay behind so he could put away the items that belonged on the top shelf. He found that he didn't mind too much, especially since Niffty had helped him a lot with Pentious, it even was beginning to look as though she might have taken a bit of a personal interest in the cobra, although Angel had no intention of getting into the middle of that situation right now, no matter how much he felt inclined to push them a little closer together to see what happened if anything. Who knew what Pentious thought of it all. It wasn’t like the guy could gush about it right now.  

At the close of the day, Angel  Dust found himself back in his room, his new roomie coiled up on the bed with the heating pad under him and a quilt over him. He looked very peaceful,  dozing there seemingly without care. Angel moved quietly to the bath, drawing a hot soak. He wasn't used to consecutive days of filming and with the way he was so sensitive to every movement, the muscles burning with any activity requiring more than the most diminutive effort,  his body could use the comfort and relief.  After he'd had his soak time and dried and brushed the under and outer coat, he set out to find the contract in his room. Alastor could have been a bit more helpful with his explanation, other than just “in your room”, but as luck would have it, the spider tracked it down rather quickly, vague descriptions notwithstanding.

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