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Stuck in a heartless world,
My soul disintegrates piece by piece.
For where kindness once twirled,
Now dances hatred with ease.

I see birds skinned alive,
I sense animals slaughtered with joy.
For humans now enjoy and thrive
On bloodlust, since Nature is their toy.

Carnivores eat animals too,
But they kill with respect and speed.
Yet in humans, cruelty grew
And on helplessness mainly did they feed.

From cutting trees to flaying snakes,
And gutting piglets with hearts of lead,
Mankind rarely gives back all it takes.
They pillage and destroy, in gratitude's stead.

Forget other creatures, men even stake
Their own brothers, with hungry hearts.
Thus, today for humanity's sake,
I sacrifice at your altar, my guilty shards.

Thus, today for humanity's sake,I sacrifice at your altar, my guilty shards

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Finally, my book reached 500 reads, I am so happy❤️❤️ Thus, am going to upload 2 poems today (':

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