Love, daddy

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He came to school with a smile

Everyone thought he had an enviable life.

Loving parents, a nice house, many toys

What more could any child want, eh?

He gets an A+ in his tests

Teachers love him for his sweet behavior,

His classmates hate him and bully him,

A normal boy of twelve is he.

Is he? Is he what they think?

Do they know the horrors he faces,

Alone, scared, sad, every night at home?

Does anyone know how much he begs

His father to stop beating his mother

To not kick her as she writhes

On the ground in excruciating pain and

Cries in silence, not reproaching the former

As he continues his brutal, drunken assault.

Sometimes the little boy is beaten too.

No one knows, how he cleans up

After his father goes to bed and

His mother is fast asleep on painkillers

With dried tears and bruises gracing her

Once beautiful, now worn out, tired face.

He never understands why she still loves

And forgives the brutal man called father.

How he does his homework in solitude,

Sobbing silently at his cruel twisted fate.

Does anyone even care for this boy?

In the morning, father feels guilty, and

Gives the little boy money or toys

But does bribe ever conquer extreme hate?

The boy is left alone on weekends

With his nanny, whom he fears most.

He hates the way she touches him

Once his parents leave him at home,

Caressing him with perverted fingers while he

Shuts his eyes, and whimpers in agony,

Waiting for the disgusting ordeal to end.

He has no one whom he trusts

Or shares his problems with. Come on!

Doesn’t he have a perfect, happy life?

And that is why , I tell you,

Never hesitate, son, to share your problems.

I never had anyone to share my

Problems with, Till I found your mommy.

She gave me the will to live.

But I don’t want you to suffer

Like I did. Always tell her everything.

When you receive and read this letter,

Ill be dead, stupid cancer, you know.

But I have no more regrets left.

You and your mother completed the void

I had for long in my soul.

So son, bottom line, never bully anyone

You never know what they’re going through.

Always lend a helping hand to others,

And always remember, men are also raped.

Love, Daddy.

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