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^^ Henna Moonspring ^^

It wasn't often that the Ladies of the Forest Summoned someone; generally they accepted offerings and spoke with those who brought them at their own leisure, but to speak with someone who had no offering was... unorthodox. It was for this reason that Henna Moonspring, Master Blacksmith and Arcane Archer, was wildly fumbling about in her safe for the magical bow she'd completed recently, and had intended to sell to a traveling merchant for quite a bit of money; now, however, it was all she had that was worthy to give as an offering to the Ladies of the Forest.

"Henna, we need to go, now, do whatever you're doing much faster!" Dresden, the pompous firstborn son of one of the elders on the council, and current servant of the Ladies, yelled from the entryway impatiently.

The frazzled blacksmith spared his skull a sharp slap as she exited the forge, sending him reeling with the blow as she marched past him, bow in hand. "Mind your tone, boy, or I'll mind it for you!" Henna was not one for minced words, and with her skill and success in the forge she was one of the more respected people in the town, so she cared very little for his position, however much he thought of himself. Seeing he was simply outmatched, the offended boy scoffed at her derisively, marching past her and woodenly leading the way to the center of the town where their Abode stood, tall and green and proud. With a sense of urgency, they moved swiftly up the stairs to the parlor, where the three ethereally beautiful beings sat, conversing quietly amongst themselves in a language that sounded like the rustling of leaves in the wind; the conversation halted as the three noticed them entering, and they gazed at Henna as she knelt before them and placed the gorgeous silver longbow on the table, the Runes that gave it its power pulsing weakly in response to the raw power of the beings it sat before. "Greetings, my Ladies of the Forest: I, Henna Moonspring, have brought an offering that I hope is sufficient for the situation... I know not why I was summoned, but if Finnegan gave any offense, I only beg that you treat his ignorance as reflection of my poor teaching, and that you do not judge him too harshly. He is an old soul, one quite well traveled, and I cannot fathom the reason for any offense he would give, only it's... probability." She finished with a tired voice, already sure of the reason she was here, after seeing Finnegan was gone.

Dresden was sent away with the flick of a finger from Lady Rose, while Lady Violet spoke to the kneeling woman. "It surprises and also does not surprise us that you predicted his... attitude... but we are not offended by frank and clear conversation, or irreverence. Lady Daisy even considers this to be the superior method of speech, and is quite enamored with him! That is not why you were called, however... we wish to inform you of the Visions that were had, when we gave him the Blessings of the Forest; the Anvil, specifically."

The kneeling woman paused in her thoughts, thinking deeply about the implications before replying hesitantly. "I suppose I'm happy he's a Craftsman, but... Is he in danger? Or is someone else?"

The three Ladies laughed softly, apparently amused by the question, and Lady Violet responded with a smirk. "Oh, I don't doubt that the only ones in danger are those who would dare oppose him! He is of my body, after all, and of the proper state of being assumed by said relation! No, Henna, we wish to make sure he is properly trained, as his future will be full of conflict; his is the path of a Hero, after all, and there is much fighting to be had, before he is successful, and may rest. His 'Glass', as well, will bring either prosperity or war, and we cannot see which due to a crossroads of destiny... preparing for both is the best course of action, we believe."

The kneeling smith grinned happily, understanding finally the purpose of this meeting; Finnegan was to be a Magical Smith and a Hero, and that which he created would be valuable enough to start a war over. "A fate befitting Kelt's Son... I've no doubt he'll have many enemies, but what types should I prepare him for? Men, or Monsters?"

The Forge of Kings (A Man Made of Glass, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now