Strength and Beauty

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 I've always loved the ocean. I always loved watching the waves crash against the shore side and the cliffs. As I grew up I would go out towards the cliff and set up a canvas, with oil paints varying from aqua blue to seafoam green and even varying shades of purples. I'd sit on the cliffside for hours, sometimes climbing to a small ledge below or all the way down to the sandy shore for a good angle for a new painting. I would try and find amazing, unique, and new angles that would capture the terrifying strength and beauty of the foamy water. The water always had a calming effect on me, no matter how stressful my day, and no matter how much my parents were fighting I could always walk out to the cliffs and paint. It always cleared my mind and calmed my nerves. The sound of the waves against the sand, and the birds flying overhead has such a calming aura. I always thought I was part mermaid or siren because of my love for the water, even my parents and people at school thought I was part mermaid since I was always near the ocean or swimming in the school pool.

I had just finished adding in some white wash onto a painting of a barrel wave when I looked over to the water and spotted what I thought was a golden tail. I quickly stood up from my cushion on the ground and walked swiftly towards the edge of the cliff. I peered over the edge looking down the cliffside, hoping for another peek of what I hoped was a tail. I was looking over the edge for what felt like forever, and I didn't see anything. I felt a bit of disappointment in the pit of my stomach, I was a bit sad I didn't see whatever I saw again. I took a few steps away from the edge when I stopped. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't have any control over my own body. I slowly turned around and stepped back towards the edge. I looked down at the crystal blue water, thoughts of it's strength and beauty crossing my mind, I've always been drawn to the water, whether it was the ocean, a pond or a lake. I've always been an outcast at school and at home, if you can even call it a home, the ocean always made me feel at home, I call it my home away from home. I was admired for my amazing skill when it came to swimming practice, whether it was in meets or just in practice, the coach and teams always marveled at how long I was able to hold my breath for. I held the record for town actually, it's nice to have something to your name.

I looked down at the cerulean water, I could feel the dirt shift gently under my feet as I shifted my weight from my right foot to my left and all the sudden I didn't feel the ground, nothing was touching the sole of my shoe, no plants were brushing against my leg, there was no bugs scuttling across my path, just air. I had jumped.

I couldn't control my body and next thing I knew I was falling through the air, fast. I plummeted towards the water, as I felt the ocean spray hit my face I braced for the shocking cold of the sea. I felt the cold water engulf my feet, then it was up to my knees, then my waist, the cold water hit the bare skin on my collarbone and neck, then my entire body was engulfed in the freezing water of the frigid, cobalt blue water. There was a moment of bliss while I was underwater, everything was silent, my mind was blank, I didn't see anything or hear anything it was, calm. Everything was calm. Then I broke the surface, and everything rushed back. The memories, the noise, the sound, the birds cawing above me, the waves hitting the sand and the cliffside, the panic of falling, and the sound of water rushing past my ears.

I gasped for air the second I felt the surface tension break, I quickly tried to swim to shore, but was swept under water by an underwater current. I tried my hardest to fight, but it was an extremely strong one, no matter how much I fought it I could never get above water. I eventually broke the surface again and took another breath, I treaded water for a few minutes while I looked as to how far I was from the cliff, based on the fact that there was no way I could swim back to it with the strength I have from fighting the current, I gave up. I gave in to my aching muscles, the bruises and the cute where I it rocks and I floated on my back, looking up every so often to see where I was. I got so tired from treading water that by the time night fell I could barely keep my eyes open. I knew I couldn't sleep or I would die so I decided to try and swim towards land even though I know it'd be no avail. I started swimming towards the shore, I tired out quickly and just as I was about to stop for a second I got swept under again, this current was stronger, a lot stronger. I fought as much as I could, but I was already extremely tired from trying to swim back. The next thing I know I saw big rock, heard the noise as my head collided with it, and then everything went black.

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