Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

I landed on a familiar fire escape, the night breeze sending chills down my spine, I balled my hand into a fist and tapped my knuckles against the cold glass lightly, a few minutes the window opened and revealed Gwen Stacy, "Hey," She smiled, her golden blonde hair pulled back into a small bun beside the few strands that rested gently on her face, "Hey," I said. She backed up, I climbed in, closing the window behind me, I pulled my mask mask off, "How did it go with Harry?" She asked, folding her hands behind her back, I shrugged my shoulders and sat on her bed, "Good, I guess," I said, she nodded, sitting next to me. We sat in silence for a few minutes, "Do you think I did the right thing?" I asked, looking over at her, "What do you mean?" She asked, leaning against me, "With the whole Harry thing, do you really think that symbiote will heal him? I mean, look at what it did to Eddie," I said, looking at my gloved hands, "You got to remember, Peter, he had a lot of pent up anger against you," She said gently, snaking her hand over my gloved one, "Yeah, but Harry has 4 years of pent up anger, Eddie only had two weeks, the symbiote could turn Harry into something worse," She sighed, kissing my cheek, "Peter, he will be fine," She said, slipping her hand onto mine and giving it a soft squeeze. I nodded, I leanrd over and was inches from her lips when my phone rang, "You better get that Bug Boy," She whispered, I pulled my phone out of my hidden pocket, "Hello?" I asked,  "Peter, it worked!" Harry cheered loudly, I blinked a few times, "It did?" I asked, shooting Gwen a confused look, causing her to return one. "The symbiote, it healed me!" He said, my eyes widen, "That's great!" I said, "Let Spider-Man know how much I owe him, talk to you later!" He hung up before I could say anything, I looked at my phone for a moment then I slipped it back into my pocket, "The symbiote cured him," I told Gwen after a few moments of processing it. She raised a brow then smiled, "I told you, nothing to worry about," She pecked me on the lips then she stood up, I followed but froze when my spider sense went off, I sighed, "Go," She said, waving me off. I pulled my mask on and jumped out of the window, I landed on a roof and looked down, I saw a robbery in progress and froze when I saw a black figure fighting the crooks, I froze when I saw the white spider on its back, I jumped off the roof and tackled the figure, I pinned the figure down and raised my fist, "How did you escape?" I asked, the figure lifted their feet and kicked me off, I slammed into a light pole and fell to the concrete with a thud, I groaned, "I'm Dark Spider."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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