Chapter 3

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My alarm went off  I rolled over and tapped the snooze button, I groaned, sitting up sorely and slowly, I got off my bed and went to stand up but my legs felt like jelly so I ended up on the floor with a thud.  I groaned, standing up slowly just as my phone went off, I reached up and grabbed my phone from my night stand, "Hello?" I asked tiredly. "Hey, Peter, did I wake you?" Gwen asked on the other line, "No, I was already up," I said with a slight chuckle, "I was wondering if you wanted to get ice cream later," She said, I stood up and stretched, "Sounds great." I said after stretching. "See you later, don't be late, love you." Gwen said quickly, "Love you too," I hung up and placed my phone on the table, I slowly walked to my closet, I put my suit on then I put my normal clothes over it. I walked downstairs and saw Louis sitting on the couch, reading a comic book I gave him when he first moved in, "Morning," I said, sitting next to him, "Morning, how do you feel?" Louis asked, not looking up from his book, "Beside my legs feeling like jelly, I say pretty good." I said, resting my head on the couch and closing my eyes. I opened them when the news on the tv was talking about the death of Norman Osborn and how Harry was the heir to the Oscorps throne, "Harry," I whispered then stood up, "I'll catch you later," I told Louis as I grabbed my red beanie and walked out. I took a deep breath and walked into the Osborn Manor, the butler walked down the stairs, "May I help you?" He asked in a thick British accent, "Hi, uh, I'm looking for Mr. Harry Osborn," I said, taking my beanie off and stuffing it in my back pocket, the butler nodded then disappeared. I chewed my bottom lip, stuffing my hands in my jacket pocket, "Peter Parker," A voice said from the doorway, I looked over and saw Harry standing in the doorway, a smirk across his face, "Long time no see, huh?" He walked over to me, he has changed over the years. He wore ripped jeans and a green shirt with a leather jacket over his, blonde bangs hung over half of his face, his green/blue eyes held a expression that I couldn't figure out."Harry Osborn," I smiled, "What are you doing here?" Harry asked, stopping in front of me, "I heard about your dad, I came to check up on you," I said, chewing my bottom lip. "Oh, I'm fine, my father and I didn't really get along," He said, shrugging, I went to asked him what he meant but my phone caused me to lose my train of thought, "Hang on," I told Harry, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered it. "Hello?" I asked, "Is this Peter Parker, adopted brother of Louis McAaron?" The police officer asked, "Um, yes, is there a problem?" I asked, "Your brother got in a fight, he injured three guys, and since he is under age he will be in jail until you come and get him." The officer said, I sighed/groaned, "I'm on my way," I said then I hung up, "Sorry, Harry, I got to go, maybe we can catch up someday," I smiled slightly, he nodded, "I got a meeting anyways, see ya later," He said then walked back upstairs, I sighed then headed to the New York Police Department. I walked in the Police Department, "Um, I'm Peter Parker, I'm here to pick up Louis McAaron," I said to the lady at the desk, chewing on my bottom lip, she didn't look at me as she handed me a clipboard with a form on it, "Sign the form and he is all yours," I nodded, signing my name in the spots then I handed it back to her, "Second hall on the left and the last cell on the right," I nodded, "Thank you." I said, walking past the desk and heading down the hallway toward Louis cell, Something in the corner of my eye that caused me to stop. Dr. Curt Connors, also known as the Lizard was sitting there, he picked his head up and our eyes locked, we didn't say anything, I think it was because of shock, we just stared at each other. "Um, are you going to keep me in here!" I heard Louis yell, I shook my head and looked away from Connors, I walked over to Louis cell and waited for the officer to open the cell. Louis and I walked out of the Police Department without saying a single, "Go ahead and yell at me, I know you want to," Louis mumbled after the Police Department, "I just wanna know, what was you thinking using your powers without your suit?" I asked, glancing at him, "I wasn't going to let them bully me." Louis growled slightly, "I know, but you can't just use your powers when you are getting bully, trust me, I wanted to beat the crap out of Flash when I got my powers but you can't do it." I shook my head and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Just be careful next time, I got to go and meet Gwen, see ya at the house," I said then turned a corner and headed for the ice cream shop.

The Cost of a Hero (Sequel to Price of a Hero)Where stories live. Discover now