"So, why'd you do it? Were you nervous? Are you still nervous? What made you want to? Did it have to do with Louis?-" I had to cut her off. 

"Stop," I told her. "I can only answer one at a time. Yes, I was nervous. I still am. Me and Louis made a deal." I did my best to answer all questions thrown at me.

"What happened with Louis and you?" 

"He said if I came out then he would consider it, and any chance I have of him becoming his real self and being with me is a chance I'm willing to take. Even if I get bullied, because I might have him to fall back on."

"Best of luck," she said as the bus stopped. We got out and walked into the school. Louis wasn't at his locker yet. I sighed. I went to my locker and waited patiently. 

I saw him walking to me, god, he looked amazing today. His hair looked great, and his letter man jacket is fitting better than ever. His eyes sparkled, but there was a certain look to them. 

"Hey," I said to him. "So?"

"Remember how I said I'd consider?" He said, he emphasized consider.

"Uh, yeah," I felt my heart beginning to plummet. Then, I was shoved into a locker, the wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't breathe. I looked up, gasping for air and saw that Jim kid. The one who agreed with Greg that I was a faggot on my coming out status. I struggled to stand up, but he just kicked me back over. 

"Faggot," he said before walking away. 

I took a deep breath and stood up. "Well, that's just it." Louis said.

"What's just it?" My breath hitched in my throat.

"I - I can't handle that happening to me. It's not something I'm good at handling. I can't take criticism. Ask anyone, even my team mates! Every time the coach comments negatively on one of my kicks in football or whatever, I beat myself up about it for weeks. Can you imagine me getting criticism because I'm - " he lowered his voice, "gay? I'd have to switch schools, and then we couldn't be together even then. I'm sorry, Harry, I can't come out." He started to turn away but I grabbed his arm.

"I just tore myself down for you, I let my guard down and let someone lead me on to think things might be different. You're nothing but a coward. At least I'm brave enough to come out, even though I know for a fact that I'll get bullied. I was willing to do it for someone that I love. And you? You can't put aside your huge ego for a second to realize that you're not happy. And you know it, you're miserable. You want nothing more than to be yourself. It can be that way, you just have to take a risk. And the people making fun of you aren't your real friends, real friends would stick with you through thick and thin. And Louis, even though you broke my heart, I still love you. Don't ask my why, don't ask me how, I don't know. But, I do. And I will." Tears sprang to my eyes, I turned away hoping they'd go away. I focused extra hard on getting them to stop, and the tears subsided away, and I was free. 

"Harry," Louis said. "I'm so sorry I hurt you like this, look, maybe we can still date. I still like you, maybe even love," my heart leaped at the word 'love,' "but it has to be in secret. We could hang out after school, and you could be tutoring me in English, which I do need. You did amazing on that Romeo and Juliet comparison and analysis, and I could really use some help. We could meet your parents and do all the normal couple things, but no one would know. Would that be an idea you're willing to try?" 

My heart was fluttering. I grinned. "Yeah, I'd love to do that." 

"Could I come over after school today?" He said, he was blushing and looking at the ground. He was nervous, and it made me want to rip my heart out, he's so cute. 

"I'll ask my dad," I knew my dad would understand, so I sent him a text at work.

He texted right back. "Sure, Son. He can come over. Is it...him?" I sent back a quick text saying it was him.

"You can come over," I told him. "You can ride the bus."

"Okay," he agreed. 

"I hope this works out, and maybe, knowing how happy it makes you to be with me, maybe you'll want to come out. Okay? Just keep your mind open to it." I told him. 

"Alright, I will." He said. "Thanks." 

"Thanks for what?"

"Thanks for giving me the courage to try something new." 

"No problem," I grinned as the bell rang. "I have to go. See you later!" I said, waving as I headed off to my next class.

Louis' P.O.V

I watched him walk away with a huge smile on his face. Seeing him happy made me so happy and thankful that I have someone to help me break down my walls and get me to be myself. I love him, I can honestly say I love him. "Love you," I whispered to the boy who stole my heart, and I sure as hell I hope I stole his.

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