Chapter 2, know Too Much

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Now, Laura and Kura agreed not to mention what happened that night. And they were okay with that. They had more pressing matters, Like band practice. That's what Kura cared about most, and her brother's beautiful expressions every time Daniel would praise her. In fact, that happened a lot, too much, And Kura was having that longing feeling again.

 Laura seemed to sense this, because the before the first practice, she gifted Kura a brand shiny new axe. It was black and pure steel, the handle was made of mahogany wood. Kura loved it, so much she wanted to use it. She felt, however, that she should talk it over with Laura. That could wait though, right now she had band practice to deal with.

Kura, Laura, and Mira were walking to band practice when they were stopped by a teacher. The teacher looked from Kura to Laura to Mira and back, he stopped in front of them a cleared his throat. Kura's heart stopped in panic.

"Excuse me girls, but could two of you come help me?" He asked looking at them.

"I'll go, sir!" Mira beamed. She looked at Laura and Kura. Lura then looked at Kura with a scolding expression. She then slowly turned to the confused and slightly irritated teacher. She looked up and innocently batted her eye lashes.

"I'll go sir" She said sweetly. He looked from Mira to Laura and smiled. He nodded and signaled for them to follow. Laura turned around and smiled at Kura. Kura stood there for a good second before smiling sinisterly and continued walking.


Kura made it to the band room five minuets later. There was nobody but Daniel left. At that point, Kura wanted to walk right back out. But it was too late, Daniel had seen her. Daniel got up from his seat at the front bench, dropping a guitar that was on his lap, to the floor.

This, ever so slightly, burned a hole in Kura's heart. Dropping, a guitar, ever so slightly hurt Kura. She stood there, facing Daniel, as Daniel faced her. He walked towards her and smiled.

"Hey Kura" He said smiling, he extended his hand, much to Kura's confusion. "Let me put up your guitar for you" He said going to grab her guitar. Kura flinched violently, turning away from Daniel.

"No! I mean-" Kura stopped looking at Daniel. Daniel made a face before smiling again with slight confusion. He nodded, turned around, and continued to clean the guitar. Kura didn't know what to do, so she just went to the back room and sat down on the floor. A few minuets later, Laura and Mira came back, bringing Kura's brother, Katsu, with them.

"Are we actually going to practice today?" Laura asked putting her hand on her hips.

"Eh, I don't think so" Daniel said sheepishly. Laura scoffed and sat down on a bench.

"If we're not going to practice, than what are we going to do?" Mira asked.

"Come on Daniel, you can't avoid practicing just because you feel insecure about your skill set" Katsu sat down next to him.

"You really had to call me out like that huh?" Daniel jokingly clutched his chest. Kura clenched her fist, Laura noticed this. She put her hand on Kura's fist, shaking her head lightly.


"Don't even think about it Kura" Laura shook her head as they walked home together.

"I have not idea what your talking about" Kura muttered.

"Yes you do, you can't kill Daniel" Laura said calmly.


"Katsu would be devastated"

"Since when did I care about his feelings?" Kura laughed quietly.

"Even so, it's in your best interests to keep him around" Laura said.

"How?" Kura scoffed.

"Because, Katsu is smart. He know about that guy and how he was bothered you, and he knows you don't like Daniel. Keep targeting those who wrong you and he will figure it out" Laura explained.

"So what? If he does I just kill him" Kura clenched her fist and punched the air.

"He's your brother, Kura" Laura hit her arm.

"He never acts like it" Kura murmured darkly.

"It doesn't matter, he's still your family" Laura said.

"Fine, I won't kill either of them" Kura huffed.

"Don't give me that attitude, your lucky I didn't turn you in to the police" Laura shook her head.

"Did you..." The sisters turned around and looked at the silver haired girl.

"Forget I was here?" Mira shook with fear, she had heard them. Laura and Kura looked at each other.

"We're sorry Mira, but you know too much..."



So I haven't been active lately, especially on this story. I have been active, just not writing. Anyways, I recently regained motivation to write this story, so I'll continue writing!


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