Chapter 4, Please

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"I haven't seen Mira lately, where is she?" Daniel asked, putting his drum sticks down.

"Mira...?" Kura's small smile faded slowly.

"She went missing" Laura said boldly.

"What!" Katsu said surprised.

"Two days ago, on her way home from school" Laura explained. Kura started to get nervous, why would Laura just tell them right off?

"But weren't you with her on your way home?" Daniel asked, putting his hands on his legs.

"We were, but we got distracted and when we came to, we were on our street and Mira was gone" Laura spoke calmly, slowly putting her violin down.

"That sound rough... I wonder what could have happened" Daniel sighed.

"It doesn't matter anymore, there's nothing we can do" Laura spoke darkly "Anyways, mind doing something harder Daniel?"


(For song they're playing, play the video above)


Katsu sat on the couch within the club room. Something was off about their story, and it didn't match up with the time. It just didn't work, there was no way what they were saying was true. Even if they had forgotten about Mira, they would have noticed something. Katsu waited as Daniel and Laura finished their song, the whole club packed up.

"Alright everyone, remember to come tomorrow!" Daniel said merrily as he bowed the members out.

"Ah, Daniel, can I talk to you?" Katsu asked, Laura turned around just as Daniel went to close the door.

"Okay," Katsu was sure he saw Laura glare at him "what do you wanna talk about?"

"Well its just... Don't you think its weird?" Katsu asked with a straight face.

"What's weird?" Daniel asked in a clueless manner.

"Well the timeline of events don't match what Kura and Laura said. Supposedly they just happened to lose Mira because they got distracted, but if she got taken on their walk, then they would have a least heard something. Or in any case notice something, even if it was a surprise to her they still would have heard Mira struggle or scream. Even if she got taken once they separated, they would have heard Mira say bye to them. Plus our older sister came home yesterday, and our mom told me they came home really late both days. It just doesn't match up, isn't that weird?" Katsu expressed his pent up thoughts.

"Hah, your thinking too much into it! They're your sisters! Have faith in them~" Daniel laughed off Katsu's concerns. Katsu stared off as Daniel left. Maybe he was over thinking stuff, Daniel was right after all, he should trust his sisters.


"Shira, how is she?" Kura asked, unlocking her older sister's door.

"Well she's tougher than I thought, but I've made good progress for only a day" Shira said, coming up from the basement. Kura put her guitar down gently, she sprinted down the stairs. The sight wasn't pretty. Mira sat, sighed by her wrists and ankles to the chair. Her head was hung, her hair was dirty with soot. The side of her face was smeared with dried blood, her arms and face had cuts and bruises. Kura stood over her, looking down sympathetically.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had listened to us in the first place, I'd rather have you in your right mind but... I don't get a choice now do I?" Kura caressed her face. Mira flinched slightly.

"Hmm, still hanging in there I see..." Kura's cold eyes held only a hint of sympathy.


Laura passed Kura on her way up, she seemed to be thinking. Laura made her way over to Mira, a dim light hung over her head. Mira looked up at her with pleading eyes, her eyes duller than before.

"Please..." She muttered weakly.

"Know that... Your only alive because Kura sympathized with you, if it were up to me, you would have died days ago" Laura said darkly. The slight hope in Mira's eyes seemed to dimmin ever so slightly, she hung her head hopelessly. Laura turned and walked up the stairs again. As she walked up, she saw something that could mean trouble. Katsu was standing at the door, Laura quickly shut and locked the door behind her.

"What are you two doing here?" Katsu asked, putting his bag down.

"We just wanted to visit Shira, we haven't seen her in years" Kura put on a happy bubbly voice. Katsu gave her an uncomfortable look, eyeing Kura and Laura. Meanwhile, he was unaware of what he had just walked into.


Mira's head snapped up at the sound of a voice. A voice she didn't recognized as one of the girls. Than, she recognized it, tears streamed down her dirty face. Slight hics escaped from her mouth, she took in sharp breaths. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry out for help. She needed to get away, but her voice was gone. Her throat was sore from her crying and screaming, she couldn't muster up the energy. Slowly, her tears dried, and she stopped caring. She was done for, they were going to make her their mindless slave. Please, please help me, Katsu, please. She mentally begged for help, slowly, she stopped thinking at all. She began to trash, but her chair was bolted down. They had thought of everything.


Katsu could swear he heard something, a low thudding sound. A quite, squeaky, sound. He looked around, something about Kura, Laura, and Shira was strange. If only... If only he knew what they had done...

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