Chapter 5, Perfect

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They all went to school the next day, Katsu, slightly sullen. kura and Laura sat down next to each other at homeroom. Laura laid out some paper and started working, while Kura laid her head down to sleep. Later that day at their club meeting, they saw somebody they weren't expecting. Laura opened the club door to see a guy standing there. He was short yet angry looking, he had messy ginger hair, he was pale with freckles. Kura walked in behind Laura, Daniel and the boy seemed to be having a very serious conversation.

"Okay, but you won't"

"But I could! You were gone for three months! I haven't seen you in here since last year! You better be glad I didn't kick you out!" Daniel said heatedly.

"You could have, but you didn't, and you wouldn't. Not just anybody can play the bass, and not just anybody would join this dinky club" The boy said rudely. He was wearing shaggy jeans and a white hoodie. Katsu pushed past them and stopped, looking at the boy.

"Felix? You haven't been here since last year" Katsu said in an incredibly calm tone. Kura tapped Katsu' shoulder.

"Um, who is he?" Kura asked her brother.

"Oh, his name is-"

"So... You got some people to join? Wow... I never would have expected it" The boy, Felix, said as he sauntered closer to them. Kura stepped back as he got close to her, she titled her head to look him in the eyes. He seemed to get pissed just from her looking at him.

"Hey! Don't look down on me!" He snapped at her.

"But how else is she supposed to talk to you?" Laura laughed lightly.

"How dare you-"

"Felix, stop picking a fight with the first years" Daniel yelled at Felix, they both took a deep breath.

"So, only two members?" Felix asked, a mocking tone in his voice. The rest of the club went silent, the air seemed to tense.

"Well... There were three but... One went missing..." Daniel rubbed at his neck awkwardly.

"Missing?" Felix asked, perplexed.

"As in, possibly dead or abducted" Laura said casually. Katsu glanced anxiously at her, maybe he was just being dramatic.

"We don't know what happened to her, police are looking for her and everything" Daniel rubbed his neck worriedly. Felix seemed unconcerned, he looked a Laura. Maybe Katsu wasn't crazy.


As Laura and Kura walked home together, Laura stopped her.

"Kura, I think Katsu is on to us"

"Why do you think that? He's smart but he's not that smart!" Kura said happily, walking away from her. Laura watched her go, she sighed.



"Hi there Mira, how are you?" Kura leaned over Mira. She was sitting there, still tied to the chair. Her head hung low, her eyes were dull. Her hair was dirty and tangled. Her arms were bruised and blood was dripping from her mouth.

She looked up at them, not a sign of humanity lay in her dull eyes. It was complete, they had successfully turned her into their slave. They untied her, and she stood up slowly. Her shoulders drooped, her head hung low as she walked sluggishly. She dragged her feet across the hard concrete floor.

Shira walked around her, looking her up and down.

"Here you go" She pushed Mira towards Laura and Kura.


The next day they walked to school with Mira, she looked weak and sullen, but they were ready to explain that.

They walked into school, Mira walked clumsily to her class as the sisters walked to their own class. Later that day, practice came and Mira obediently followed them. When they got in the club room, everybody stared at them.

"Mira?" Daniel asked, taken aback by what she looked like.

"Mira!" Katsu yelled "What happened to her, how did you find her?"

"We don't know, we found her walking around but she refuses to speak" Laura said, giving Mira a tug. As the rest of the club members worried over Mira, Kura watched on. She turned and walked out of the room. School was over, only club members were left. She was alone, she walked to the end of an abandoned corridor and stood alone. She slowly pulled a needle out of her pocket, something she had gotten earlier from Mira.

Earlier that day Mira has been sent to the nurses office with an order to steal a needle. When she had, laura had snuck into the science room and stolen some poison the science teacher had confiscated. Now all Kura needed was to to find a victim, nobody would ever know. She stood around thinking about who she should kill this time. She had only killed one person so far, and she had enjoyed every second of it.

Even though she hadn't been aware of what she had been doing. Soon enough, she slowly started hearing footsteps. They got louder and louder, eventually somebody moved around the corner. Kura was standing looking away from it, staring at the wall.

"Hello? Is somebody there?"



Hello lovelies!

I realize I haven't updated in a while, and sorry this chapter is slightly shorter and feels rushed. I've been really busy with school and have some projects due tomorrow so I wanted to get this chapter out quickly. Anyways, I wanted to know if you wanted me to add music in to the background of the chapters? If you do, tell me!

Anyways, bye lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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