xxvi. Infiltration

Start from the beginning

At that moment I wanted to turn back. I wanted to turn back and leave him and Iroh be. I wanted Zuko to move on and not have to see me again. He could be happy, really happy, without having to be reminded by his past.

Before I could run away, time slowed as Zuko turned around. My heart drummed in my chest seeing that he already seemed different. His hair was no longer in a ponytail. It was longer and grown out— I liked it more this way. And he was finally out of his Fire Nation attire and in Earth Kingdom clothing.

"N-Naya?" He gasped.

The shop stilled when he practically shouted my name.

"Hi," I blushed.

"I can't believe it," he said and ran towards me. Someone,
probably the person who's tea Zuko held, groaned. "I sent that letter a while ago. I thought you didn't want to see me."

"Well, I would never think about visiting you before the letter. But you seemed convincing and I wanted to see for myself. And may I say, I'm impressed," I told with a smirk as I gestured to his hair.

"Thanks. It's um—really nice seeing you."

"You too. How's Iroh?"

"Great," he said as he looked back at his smiling uncle. Iroh didn't even notice me since he was so busy handling tea. "He's so happy."

"I see. And are you?"

"Well— um, do you want to sit outside?"

I wanted to giggle at how nervous he seemed. His face was a shade of pink while he stroked the back of his neck.

"Sure," I said.

I followed the Prince outdoors and to a picnic table. Zuko sat down and I took the bench opposite him. Zuko stayed quiet and glanced around the outdoors.

"I'm happy, I think. I just want to make sure my uncle
is satisfied."

I raised a brow at his words. He didn't sound sure of himself, like at all. I sucked in a breath, hoping that this wasn't a fluke and he was actually ready to change.

"So how did you end up here? How did you know we were here?"

Zuko proceeded to explain what happened to him and Iroh after the battle up North. It was interesting to hear all the things that happened to him in only a decent amount of time, and he was even more surprised when I told him what I had to deal with.

"You don't remember, don't you? We saw each other briefly when we faced Azula. You got hurt," Zuko whispered as he moved my shirt and gently brushed the skin on my shoulder. I closed my eyes at his touch.

"It's like yours," I said.

"But Azula gave it to you," he growled.

"It's not a big deal, Zuko. Your family has done much worse to me," I laughed. He wasn't amused.

"I'm really sorry Naya, about everything. You don't deserve what I put you through," he apologized. The Prince moved his hand on mine and I grabbed it back.

"It's okay."

"Zuko I'm sorry to interrupt you but— Oh! Naya, it's been so long it's so good to see you," Iroh said as he walked outside.

"You too," I told.

"But Prince Zuko, the Earth King invited us to serve him tea! Isn't that amazing?"'

"Yes, uncle."

"Well, I'll leave you two to it," Iroh said sheepishly. The chubby man walked back inside to tend to his shop. Zuko let out a breath.

"You know, I think I have to get going. I have important things to deliver to the Earth King," I told.

"Oh, okay. Are you okay about going alone?"

"Of course, I'm the Akshata," I winked. "I'm kidding but I'll be fine. Hopefully, we can see each other again? Maybe when Aang gets back you can join us?"

"I'm not sure about that..."

"Yeah, maybe a little early for that," I whispered to myself.

"But well see each other again. I'll send you another letter," Zuko assured and I smiled.

"Okay, that sounds great."


          I quickly rushed back into the palace, more specifically the throne room. A part of me was excited over speaking to Zuko so I was on overdrive.

"King Kuei I need you to seal these scrolls for me—" I started but stopped as soon as I realized the King wasn't in the room. Instead, it was the Kyoshi warriors with their back to me. "Oh, hey Suki!"

They slowly got up and turned around. I dropped the scrolls as I saw their faces. Though they were covered in paint, the girls were recognizable from miles away.

"Azula," I growled.

I knew that this wouldn't end up well. Azula and her pose managed to infiltrate Ba Sing Se. This could potentially ruin our plan to invade the Fire Nation. I knew I'd need backup.

While staring at the three girls, I quickly and quietly envisioned myself where Aang was. He was sat across from Guru Patik. They looked serious, but I needed to talk to him.

"Aang, please, I'm in trouble. Azula's in Ba Sing Se," I told with every ounce of hope I had. I could only pray he heard my cry for help and come.

"You're a smart one, Naya. But not smart enough to hide your things...Zuko is in the city I see?" She held up a scroll.

"You leave him alone!"

"Now why would I do that? I could capture the Avatar, Akshata, Ba Sing Se, and bring home my traitorous kin," Azula said sharply.

I quickly send a punch their way and the gust of air threw Azula off her feet. Mai quickly responded and used her knives to pin me against a pillar before I could respond. Ty Lee ran towards me and I kicked at her to stop her from chi blocking me. If I had my hands I would've had a decent chance, but since they were tied I was defenseless. Ty Lee blocked my chi and I quickly lost feeling in my
limbs. Azula stood up and brushed herself off. She strode up to me with a stern expression. 

"You'll regret doing that," she spat and sent a jab at my face, making everything go black.

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