Chapter 20: The crow, the Special op and the First Order titan

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Weiss is dragging Ashe towards the docks at Beacon by the arm

Ashe: ow Weiss, please stop pulling me!

Weiss: sorry, Ashe but I need to introduce you to my sister

Ashe: ok Weiss but you don't need to pull me all the way from the fairgrounds though

Over on the other landingpad a command shuttle lands. Josh approaches Armitage who was attention

Josh: I hope that I'm not late

Armitage: you're not. Her shuttle has just landed

The shuttle opens and four specially designed armoured soldiers disembarked from the shuttle and two commanding officers came out. A man dressed in grand General uniform has a look around while his boss walked over to both Josh and Armitage

Armitage salutes

Annie: so this is Beacon?

Armitage: yes ma'am

Grand General: at ease, Hux

Armitage: yes sir

Annie: (to Josh) it's been a while, Josh

Josh: your training has paid off, I'll be moving on to the doubles round

Annie: on the way over I've noticed one strike many

Josh rubs the back of his head embarrassed

Annie: Hux, Why don't you show Pryde around?

Armitage: will do

Pryde: I would like to have an inspection of the dorm

Armitage: is that ok, Josh?

Josh: that's fine

Pryde: thank you,Josh. Just as expected from the First Order Titan's student

Annie: (getting cross) just get going, Pryde

With Ashe and Weiss. Ashe was getting nervous

Weiss: Ashe, are you going to be ok?

Ashe: yea. just nervous about meeting your sister

Weiss's sister comes over

Weiss: it's great to see you, Winter

Winter: same here little sister (notices Ashe) and who is this?

Weiss: Winter meet my boyfriend, Ashe. Ashe, this is my sister. Winter

Ashe: (stuttering) n-nice to m-meet you

Winter: no need to be stiff, Ashe

Ashe takes a deep breath while Winter dismisses her bodyguards

Winter: would you like to come with us, Ashe?

Ashe: sure

Weiss and Winter started chatting

With Josh and Annie

Annie: this place is beautiful

Josh: it is nice, by the way. I thought that you would be 10-5 minutes late

Annie: I was talking on prime's behalf, he was the one being a little late

Josh: oh right...

Josh was starting to think about how he would tell Annie about Pyrrha and she notices that Josh was looking lost

Annie: hey Josh. Is there something you want to tell me?

Josh: (snaps back) huh? Oh sorry I was just thinking.

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