Chapter 1, Never thought

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She grew up in a family that loved music. She didn't strive to be different. She wasn't the odd one out, or which ever other cliché you may expect. In fact, she loved music as much, maybe more, then the rest of her family. She was the gold star of the family at electric guitar, and that's saying something considering she had three brothers and two sisters.

One of her brothers, was very jealous of this. That's why he was the first to go. The first to leave, that's is, for high school. It wasn't far, but he was tired of his sister getting all the attention. So when he began high school, he moved in with his friend.

Who just happened to have been planning to start a band. So he decided he would join this band as the guitarist. His friend, Daniel, had only ever met Kura once. She didn't like him, but he really liked her. Daniel knew she was good at guitar, so he was hoping she would join when she started high school.

In the end, she was excited to go to high school just to join. Not because he wanted her to, but because she knew they would hold try-outs and she would love to see her brothers face when she replaced him as guitarist. Her sister played violin, but she had no interest. Of course, if they needed her, she would help. So the start of the story takes place in eighth grade.


Kura and her sister, Laura, were eating lunch in the school cafeteria. Kura was, once again, talking about how she couldn't wait to join the band. Laura was tuning her out as usual, when she noticed something odd. A strange guy with dirty blond hair and brown eyes was staring at her with an eyebrow raised in interest. A girl beside her had whitish grey hair with dull blue eyes, she looked sad, sullen.

Laura didn't tell Kura but watched then through out the rest of lunch. At one point, Kura noticed the blond boy, but only because he got up and walked by them so close he knocked over Kura's guitar. The girl seemed to brighten up when he left and hummed happily for the rest of lunch. Laura was careful for the rest of they day. But she didn't see the boy again, like he just vanished.

The fact that he didn't show up again seemed to be the highlight of the white haired girl's day. She was suddenly happier, she even participated in class. Laura had never seen her because she was always so sad. Later that day, she managed to learn the girl was named Mira. She managed to get Kura to shut up for long enough to go meet Mira.

They walked over to her under a tree. At their sudden appearance, she flinched. She looked up carefully and saw Kura and Laura. She sat up a little straighter and went back to reading, glancing up at them every few seconds. That is until Kura broke the silence.

"Um, hi?" She said bending down to look the girl in the eyes. She flinched and pressed herself against the tree more before answering-

"Oh, hi" She said looking back down. Kura glanced at Laura, but she just shrugged. they both took seats beside Mira and Laura glance at what she was reading. 'The boy in the Striped Pajamas' Laura shuddered ever so slightly. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, when they came back to it, Mira was in tears reading.

"Its just- so- sad!" She said leaning on Kura. Kura and Laura looked at each other awkwardly before Kura smirked.

"There, there" Kura said patting Mira's head lightly. Laura was confused. Mira was sad, because of the book. But it wasn't like in the cafeteria, back there she looked almost... depressed. Laura smiled and forgot all about the boy, that is, until it happened.

Something that changed not just her, but Kura's life too.


They were now in their second week of freshmen year. Kura was getting more and more anxious. Orientation had happened, and all the new school stuff too, tour and all. The club forms had all been handed out, and they were waiting for try-outs. They had all, grudgingly, agreed to join the music club.

Kura and Mira were quite nervous about it, but Laura had no doubt. The only thing she was missing was enthusiasm. So Kura and Mira made it their personal goal to get Laura excited. Long story short, no, it didn't work. But they got close.

It was like two seconds had passed when they were at try-outs. They didn't have somebody who played violin. So Laura was confident, but they did have a pianist and a guitarist. So stress levels were high. Even though Kura was sure she would win over her brother, she was still scared.

Of course, as expected, they nailed it. And once again, Kura's brother was in the shadows, as backup guitarist. His friend didn't want to kick him out of the group, and that was the best he could do. Before, Kura's guitar had been black. But it was getting old and didn't work as well as before, so they bought her a brand new white one.


One day, after school, Kura was walking home alone. She wanted walk home alone with her new guitar, so her brother and sister left her too it. Though not before looking at her weird. She was just casually walking through the streets, taking the long way. She felt weird though.

It was two feelings at once. One, like she was being watched, the other, like she wanted to use her guitar for something more then playing music. For the first time ever, she wished her guitar was a real Axe. She stumbled forward after these thoughts, thinking they were one time things. That's when she felt a hand on her shoulder

"hey" She heard a low voice say. She turned around to see that blond boy who had once almost knocked over her guitar. She gripped the guitar handle hard, the wish returning. He stepped back and looked her up and down before smiling. With one swift motion, he was right in her face, reaching for her neck.

In a moment of desperation and longing, she swung her guitar at him. She hit him square side of the face. Knocking him to the side, into an ally way. Kura gripped her guitar handle harder then before, her vision began to blur. The next thing she knew, she was standing over him in the ally.

More specifically, standing over his dead body. His blood ran down her front, running down to one side of the guitar. Her vision blurred again, she stumbled. But she felt no remorse, no pity. In fact, she almost smiled, almost.

But she didn't, not when she heard a gasp from behind her. She whipped her head back to look at the person behind her, she would kill them too if she had to. She turned to see her sister standing there. She didn't look scared, but more shocked. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes were wide.

"I never would have thought" She whispered. She didn't step back, not even when Kura stepped towards her. She would do it, Kura would kill her sister. No matter how many memories, she felt no remorse. No sadness, only an odd satisfaction.

"Guess we need to clean this up, and you too" Laura said walking past Kura. Now it was Kura's turn to be surprised. Had she heard that right? She looked at Laura, emotionless. After a little bit Lura looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.

"You going to help or what?" She asked standing up.

"What? Oh, yeah" Kura said, murmuring "yeah right, 'never would have though'".

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