Chapter 6:

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It's been a day since Mark and Jaemin were held captive by Haechan. The two of them were surprised when Jeno suddenly came in with food and forced them to eat by saying "I have a sword. Now, eat." while pointing at the bowls of food using the sword he mentioned. Yes, Jeno and his mother came in with BOWLS of food last night.

It could've been just one bowl but Haechan actually isn't that rude and ruthless towards them.

"... Why do you have lots of food?"
"It's the prince's request."

Jeno's mother, Areum, replied as Mark nodded, later gasping at how nice Haechan was to not let them literally die of hunger there. Jaemin didn't even bother to know about what Mark was feeling towards Haechan and decided to eat the food right away. Surprisingly, the food was very delicious.

As the two of them ate, Jeno and his mother left the dungeon.

"Have they eaten?"
"Yes, your highness."
"Good. I'll have to talk to one of them tomorrow."

Haechan bluntly says as he reads a book. Haechan most likely reads a book if he feels different about the current situation and tries to put what he's feeling through words on the walls. Jeno knew everything about that because he and his mother spent a lot of time with Haechan through his "self-medication".

Although if only Jeno had knowledge about this curse, Haechan would've healed a long time ago since Jeno puts Haechan's life before his own. The same goes for his mother as he always treats his mother with the same amount of respect he has for the prince.

"... Your highness, who specifically?"
"... The persistent one."


The new day arises as Haechan walks into the dungeon alongside Jeno. Today, Haechan plans to talk to Mark about his curse because Mark told him that he knew him since childhood. Haechan really doesn't want to stop from trying to heal himself from the curse he has.

Jeno opens the gate as Haechan sees Mark asleep on the floor.

Haechan walks towards Mark and crouches down to his level. He lightly shifts and taps Mark, waking him up for a talk. Mark wakes up, squinting his eyes at Haechan.

"Wake up. We have to talk."
"... A-About?"
"... About the curse Jeno told you?"

Mark didn't answer but he nodded because he didn't know what to respond with. He's been doing that after he met Jaemin because Jaemin taught him about it. He looked beside him to see Jaemin still sleeping.

"Well... Just one thing, okay? Don't do anything bad to-"
"Yes, we won't. I just want to have a simple talk with you."
"... Do you promise?"

Mark asks with a "baby-like" tone in his voice as Haechan raised an eyebrow, quite surprised with what Mark did. Haechan doesn't know but he did feel something about it. He actually felt an emotion but he just couldn't name it!

To get rid of this feeling, Haechan scoffed and rolled his eyes once again.

"I do. Now, let's go."
"... Well, where do we go?"
"In the library."

Haechan said as he formed a small smile at Mark. Suddenly, Haechan froze because he smiled for the first time even if it was just a small smile. Mark gets up from the floor, giving Haechan a smile.

The two of them walked into the library as Mark looked around, fascinated at how big the room and the shelves were.

"Do you read the books here?"
"... I already read all of them..."
"... A-All?! All of the books?!-"
"Yes, Mark. However, that's not the point."

Haechan bluntly says, being straight to the point as always. He pointed at the desk next to him. Surprisingly, the library was still as clean as it was before. Small vines were just creeping out of the smaller cracks because of how old the palace was but it was still clean and shiny.

It was beautiful, especially that the sun was shining through the window.

"... Alright."

Mark says as he sits beside Haechan by the desk, giving him a smile once again. Haechan almost gave Mark a frown not because he finds Mark weird but because he finds himself weird. Why is he feeling weird about himself?

Not like being emotionless was already weird enough...

"You want to talk about the curse, right?"
"Yes... Listen, Mark or whatever your name is. I want to feel something again. I really do. I don't know how to explain it but usually when there's something wrong, I most likely hyperventilate and just-"
"... Yes... How do you-"
"I know that because I've seen you in that state when we were kids. Trust me, Haechan. I really do know you a lot."
"... If you do know me a lot, will you help me get back to my old self? Will I feel something again?"
"... When did this happen?"

Haechan sighs as he crosses his legs and lays his back down against the "back of the chair". Haechan was trying to remember how the curse got worse for him. It slowly showed up when he was ten years old and then it got worse and rapid after he turned fifteen.

He doesn't like being emotionless because he just doesn't know what to feel for others. Sometimes, he doesn't even feel remorse when he does something bad. That's why he rarely does something big because he doesn't want to hurt anyone even if he doesn't feel hurt at all.

He just wants to feel happiness or sadness. Just any emotion at all because being blank all the time is tiring. He feels blank all the time and it's a surprise for him to feel an emotion he can't name when he first met Mark once again.

"It got worse after I turned fifteen, I guess? I don't remember that much since... I just don't remember."
"... Well, do you feel something... right now?"

When Mark asked that question, Haechan lightly clutched his chest. He did feel something at this moment but he just really can't name what emotion it is! Maybe he can describe it to Mark and maybe Mark can name it for him.

Haechan looks at Mark as he takes this opportunity to ask Mark if he can name the emotion for him.

"I-I do! But I don't know what it is!"
"... Well-"
"Can you name it... for me? I really don't know what I'm feeling right now and it makes my head hurt!-"
"Calm down. Calm down, Haechan."

Mark quickly went to Haechan so that he could comfort him. Surprisingly, Haechan didn't feel dizzy or suffocating like out of air. Haechan felt comfort for the first time in his whole life.

He didn't even collapse on the floor and black out. He really did feel comfort. He felt warm and cozy inside despite his recent cold self.

The Cold Curse | MarkHyuckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang