"Get a room!" A man yelled, pushing his cart past them. They pulled away from each other quickly. Y/n let out a small cough. 

   "I'm.., gonna go and look around," I said quickly, trying to find an out. He nodded, but his eyes looked pained, a lot different than before. I turned on my feet and quickly escape the awkward situation.

My face felt hot. What just happened?! I groan rubbing my hands on my face. I wanted to get a good distance from him right now. I noticed the toy aisle, it was brighter than all the aisle put together. It must have been the little girl aisle, or boy aisle she didn't judge. I chuckled, a big man like him would rather die than be caught in a toy aisle.

I walked into the aisle, it was filled with pink and glitter. I remembered my parents taking me into the aisle when I was young, they told me to get a baby doll. But I wanted the action figure. I got scolded and was taken home with no toy. I pulled out a small baby doll, its eyes flicked shut when laid down. Creepy. I put it back, I never liked dolls.

A small girl ran into the aisle, crying. She ran at my legs, almost making me fall to the ground.

"Woe woe, what's wrong?" I ask, bending down to comfort her. She sniffed.

"I can't find my mommy," She cried, "I don't know where she is,"

"Ok, how about me and you go and find your mommy?" It was a long shot, we didn't go to any Walmart, but the mall. She could have left the mall thinking her kid was right behind her. There was no way to track her down. But I didn't want to give up on the poor girl. 

    She nodded, she lifted her arms expecting me to pick her up. I picked her up, grunting softly. She was a chunky baby.

         "What's your name?" I asked, "I'm Y/n,"  she sniffed.


            "That's a very cute name," I smile, she smiled back. I left the aisle and saw Victor with the cart waiting outside the aisle. I chuckled, I was right. He saw the little girl and look confused. 

      "What's with the cub?" He asked. I couldn't help but giggle.

        "Cub?" I tease. He glared. "She's lost, I'm gonna try to find her mom,"

         "In a mall?" He said, "That'd be impo-" 

          "Shhh!" I quickly shushed, "Kalye where was the last place you saw your mommy?" I ask. 

       "By the checkout area," She mumbled. "We were gonna go home but I stopped to get some water from the fountain..," Victor gave a look, an 'I told you so' look. I glare.

"Well, let's go and check there," I say. Victor groaned but pushed the cart to follow along. When we walked to the checkout area, she didn't recognize anyone. Victor paid for our groceries while we walked around asking if anyone saw her mother. No one did.

"Should we call the polices?" I whisper to Victor. Kalye sat on a bench outside the mall, looking heartbroken.

"No," Victor said quickly, "Just, wait," He inhaled deeply, exhaled, and pointed at a car all the way in the back of the lot.

"There," He said. He started walking towards the car. I yelp and quickly grabbed Kayle and ran after him. We walked all the way to the back of the lot and stopped at a blue SUV.

"That's mommy's car!" Kayle yelled cheerfully, pointing at the car. She bounced in my arms, trying to get to the car. Victor tapped his long nails on the tinted window. The window rolled down to show a distressed woman, she was calling someone that I'd think was the police.

     "This your kid?" He asked, pointing at Kayle. She poked her head out the window, her eyes were bloodshot from crying and her black mascara dripped from her cheeks. She gasped in shock and pure relief. She quickly threw open her door and ran towards me, she quickly took Kayle and from and drop to her knees crying. 

        "I thought I lost you!" She cried. "Thank you so much. Thank you both!" She cried, thanking us both. It was obvious Victor felt uncomfortable at the praise. She dug through her purse and pulled out some money. 

          "It's not much but I want you to have this, as a thank you," 

           "I can't take this," I say, "Use it to get Kayle some ice cream or something, shes pretty shaken up," 

             "Thank you," She sniffed, "I won't forget this," 

         We finally left, I got into Victor's car with a bright grin. We did something really good today. Victor quickly got into the car quickly still looking uncomfortable. 

                "How'd you do that?" I ask, he flinched. 

                 "Do what?" He said, turning on the car. I scoff. 

                  "Find Kayle's mom! She was in her car, the windows were tinted, and she was all the way in the back, I could barely see the SUV!" I say, impressed. "come on you gotta tell me," 

      He bit his cheek, looking at her confused.

                   "You know what a mutant is right?" He said, I blinked confused. 

                    "You mean like in the movies?" I laugh, confused. He looks surprised. I felt nervous, what was I missing? 

                      "Y/n do you-" He stopped and ran his hands down his face. He groaned. 

                 "Mutants are real, we always have," He said, "What do you think these are?" He flashed his fangs, then lifted his hands. His sharp nails grew longer, they were claws. I felt my stomach churn. Always?

"You don't know about the mutant rights protests?" He asked, "Anything about mutants?"

"My parents never let me have a phone," I stammer, "I only was allowed to watch DVDs, they never told me anything," I felt panicked. What else didn't I know? What else am I missing?

Victor looked at me in udder shock. I grip a handful of my hair and tug, my eyes wide.

"I've been kept in the dark so long," I whimper, I felt a lump in my throat. "Why? Why didn't they tell me..," I felt large hands grab mine, I look up at Victor. He pulled my hands out of my hair and gripped them tightly.

"I"m not good at making people feel better," He grunted, "But I can help you with the things they neglected to tell you,"

"Really?" I whimper, staring into his gray orbs. He nodded. I look down at his hands, long claws pressed softly into my skin like knives. Yet I felt safe in his grip.

"I'd like that," I mumbled. He grinned, Y/n could easily find his fangs now that she knew where to look. They stood out like a sore thumb. 

       "We should head back to the apartment," He said, "We'll go get furniture tomorrow," 

       "Yeah," I mumbled, "My ice-creams melting," 

        He chuckled and turned on the car. 

The way my thumb felt of her lips, soft and plump. The way my claws presses agents her skin. If it wasn't for that bastard I'd have her lips on mine already. I want to dig my hands in her silky locks and tug. I want to mark her. Rub my scent on her. She knew nothing about mutants. That could be fun, I could get her to spend more time with me with the promise of telling her about mutants. Gain her trust. 

Victor Creed X Non-mutant Mate.Where stories live. Discover now