part 8

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    It's been a few weeks since they went to the hospital. Y/n felt like something must be wrong for her parents to ignore her like this. But, deep down she didnt care of they didn't keep contact anymore.

Victor had become such a normal sight that she wondered how she will react when he leaves. He was the first mutant she has met and she realizes only just now just how dangerous asking a stranger she never met to be roommates was.

    He never abused her trust. At least not yet. She knew to set her expectations low, but she just felt like this was the first time she felt truly care free. With Victor along side her. She blushes, kicking herself for making it sound like she had a crush on him.

   Victor was back to his normal strange self, no longer needed to keep his eyes on Y/n as her sickness clears with the meds she takes. They sat together on the sofa, watching a movie she picked. She notices him sniff at her, looking disappointed before looking away from her. She give him a puzzled look, and gently punches his arm.

   "Did you just sniff me?" She asks, earning a glare from Victor. He was going to ignore her, but her eyes bore at him. "You stink. The blockers make you stink." He says plainly. Y/n glares and playfully hits his shoulder.

    "Well that's rude! What exactly do I smell like huh?" She asks, curious at what she smelt like to him. He sighs softly, as if thinking hard about it.

     "Like chemicals. Smells like a lab rat." He says gripping her wrist. He examined it, trying to find any sign on being mutant. But only found dull nails. He looked frustrated, missing the weak scent she gave off while she stopped taking the pills outright. But he knew she will die If she kept that up.

      "You saying I smell like a rat?" She laughs, pulling her hand away. "I'll have you know rats are adorable."

       "If you where a rodent you'd be a mouse." He smirks, grabbing her face with his hand. "Small and helpless." He whispers, leaning in close to her face. There lips nearly touching before Y/n quickly pulled away.

         "Dont call me helpless." She glares, flashbacks of being called a helpless girl who always needed her parents. Always told she would need to rely on someone. She pulls away, no longer intrested in finishing the movie with Victor. Even if it seemed petty to do so. He frowns deeply, thinking of snatching at her wrist to pull her back but somehow stops himself. Making him growl in frustration. Y/n huffed to herself. Upset that she praised him in her head so quicky. "I could get another job, move out." She says, knowing that the situation there in was strange, him paying for everything while she stayed home and did nothing.

  "I told you I make enough to cover us both and more-"

   "Then why the hell are you paying for a shitty apartment and not have a house?" She says frustrated, feeling like hes kept some secrets that she just cant ignore anymore. Victor is silent. It's almost frightening how still he was. Like a animal about to pounce. They both sit in scilence, before she finally asks.

      "Did you know?"

     "That you where feral? Sort of. Cant lie to the nose." He says calmly. Breaking the chilling quiet with what he thought trivial. "But you mostly smelt human so I second guessed myself-"

       "And you never told me?" She felt her voice tremble "Wait- did you buy the apartment before me just so we can be roommates?" She questions, not knowing if she can even trust this man, relizeing she knew nothing about him. A stupid blind crush. She felt so stupid.

         "No. Of course not- I needed a place to stay temporarily." he says getting up to face her better, but she flinches and climbs over the couch. "You offered to split the place, I was only gonna stay a week at most-"

          "Why did you stay then?" She asks skeptical about his story. He snarls, making her even more confused.

       He growls lowly, putting his hands on the back of the couch his claws digging into the fabric."Come out from behind the couch. Please."

   He says the word please like it pains him to say. She coughs suddenly, the stress flaring up her sickness. She felt like she was gonna faint. Victor could instantly tell, jumped over the couch swiftly, using tje back of his hand to feel her head. She feels hot all over and looks overwhelmed. She shakes, slumping into his chest as she suddenly faints.

    Victor would never admit it, but he panics, holding her close, pulling her so he could lift her up and bring her into her room. She moans out in her sleep, griping his clothes out of instinct.

    "Fever-" he huffs out, reminding himself as he lays her in bed. Due to her being an adult, it seems the fever symptoms vary from being a child. And she isnt handling it well. He leaves the room and crosses his arms. He leans on the wall. Simply listening to her breath.

   Y/n finally woke up, groggily turning to see a cup of water and a pill laying on a note. She groans, remember the fight between her and Victor. She takes the pill, though still angry that he frightened her into fainting. She wanted to yell at him, get answers for her questions. She didnt think to question him before, not wanting to seem overbearing like her parents. She was home schooled, and thought the teachings of distrust and question everything was just lies to keep her scared to leave. She frowns, wondering if he was still home. She scans the outside of the note, debating whether to read it or not. She decided not too.

Victor was still in the house. Actually thinking of what to say to her once she wakes. He would normally just brush it off, let her cool down act act like nothing happened but something about her questions irked him. He didn't know why he hasn't left either. He planned too. Even thought of killing her before he left to tie up any loose ends. Yet he couldn't. The thought of it anger him in a way he couldn't describe. He felt bonded to her in some strange way. When she is upset, he can practically feel himself getting worked up, like he must fix the problem at all cost. He hated it, yet was addicted to it. How can he explain it to her when he didn't understand it yet himself? It pissed him off. Like an itch he cant scratch.

  So, like all pathetic saps of his time. He wrote a letter. If he told himself he would be writing a letter to a girl he probably would have called him a lier and a frail. And he could agree. It was his best way to get out the metaphorical dog house. It wasn't exactly an apology, as he could never bring himself to admit his wrong doings, but it had enough to explain his rather harsh and questionable actions.

Y/n stumbled down the hall, gripping her throbbing head as she walked into the kitchen, not even giving Victor a passing glance as she filled a cup with more water, chugging it quickly.

  "Did you take your pill?" He asks, earning him a side eye glare from Y/n.

   "Yes. I did." She says. But not saying more than that. He sighs.

     "Did you read my letter?" He questioned. Wondering if the letter angers her more.

      "Nope." She says, walking out the kitchen. He fallows close behind her as she walked back to her room.

       "No? Why not?" He says, frustrated she didn't even glance at it.

         "Because I dont want to read your excuses." She huffs. "You scared me half to death!"

          "Let me make it up to you?" He trys to calm her down. Try and fix the situation. But she glares at him.

           "You can make it up to be by giving me space." She says. Waling into her room and shutting the door on him. She knew he would be pissed. But perhaps she wanted that. To piss him off because he didnt get his way. She knew Victor would never admit to being in the wrong. So she will have to pry an apology out of him.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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