Chapter 1

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The cave was dark. A man and woman walked around, their footsteps echoing across the walls of the cave.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" the woman whispered, her voice stiff. The man sighed
"Yes, I'm absolutely sure he said this exact spot, Veronica," the man said, shaking his head. "You know not all rumors are true," he added. The woman sniffed. She raised the torch higher and gasped, struggling not to scream. The man groaned.
"Wha-ah!" the man screamed. A large bat shrieked and flew at them.The man and Veronica screamed and ran.
"No one enters," a voice moaned, his voice echoing. As they ran the man ran into a hidden hole. His scream echoed with Veronica's.
"Not on my watch!" the voice screamed, and the bat flew at Veronica ending her days.
Athena raced across the lawn towards her parents house.
"Mum!" she yelled, skidding to a stop. Max glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow. Athena stuck her tounge at him and ran into the kitchen. Their mom looked up and sighed.
"Yes, Athena?" she asked. Athena hopped up and down.
"Please. Please. Can. I. Go. Please. Please. Please!" she said handing the sheet over to her mom. Her mom raised an eyebrow.
"The Pirate's Cove. 'A great experience for pirate lovers'?" she said, looking a little surprised.
"Oh, come on!" Athena whined. "Val and Cal are going!"Athena didn't know what she would do without her twin friends. Her mom sighed.
"I'll think about it. It's for three weeks!" her mom added.
"So?" protested Athena, Her mom sighed.
"Fine," Athena squealed as her mom signed the paper.
"But if I get any call from school in the next two days," her mom left the threat hanging in the air. Athena nodded, so hard her mom thought her head would pop off.
"Now go and play," her mom added and Athena ran out side.
Athena walked dreamily across her lawn. She thought about all the pirates she would meet. She scaled the ladder to her tree house and rummaged threw a chest. She pulled out a thick book and opened it up. She smiled and giggled at the pictures until she got to the next section of her scrapbook.
'Pirate's Cove, Here I come!' She wrote and made a copy of the sheet and pasted it onto the page.
"Here I come," she whispered softly, tracing a finger around the words. And just for a second, it glowed. Athena blinked. She shook her head and shoved the scrapbook into her bag.
"Can't forget this," she mumbled.
She picked up her phone and texted Cal.
'Ready?' she texted Cal.
'Yup,' Cal texted back. Athena grinned. She stood and walked over to her window to watch the sunset.
"This is going to be the adventure of a lifetime," she said , grinning.
Well, she was right about that

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