Chapter Eleven - Your Reality

Start from the beginning

You let out a short huff, shuffling into a more comfortable position on the old couch before closing your eyes. Once they re-opened Sam and Dean where nowhere to be seen.

The empty beer bottle in your hands now felt warm from your touch. You sighed and placed it on the floor beside you.

“Sam?” you called out, though no response came. “Dean?” your head pounded a little as you stretched your legs. To your surprise there was no pain. Maybe Cas was back. Maybe you had fallen asleep, Castiel had healed you and the boys were on a run.

“Castiel? Bobby? Gabe?” you tried your voice again. When no response came for the second time you climbed to your feet.

“[Name]” Castiel’s voice called out to you.

You felt a smile creep across your features as you ran towards the Angel’s voice.

“Castiel,” your smile widened as he came into view, leaning by the front entrance to Bobby’s house. You ran forward and wrapped your arms around him, holding him tightly. “I though something bad happened to you, Cas.”

“Shh,” he soothed in your ear as he pulled you closer into the warmth of his body. “I’m your Angel aren’t I? I could never leave you.”

“Where’s Gabe?” you questioned. The smile on your features only glowing brighter. “Is he with Sam and Dean?”

“[Name],” Castiel pulled back for a moment, his expression serious, just like the Cas that you used to know. “Who are those people?”

Your blood ran cold at the sound of his words and as the ice ran through your veins your ears detected something else, a sound that chilled you to the very core. The sound of children’s laughter rang through the air. Though it was not happy laughter. This sound met your ears with a sinister, menacing hum.

“Cas?” you looked back to your only source of comfort. Your Angel, as he had put it. Though once you saw the sight before you, you wished that you had never looked. Castiel’s eyes dripped with thick crimson blood, the same substance that leaked out from the sleeves of his beige trench coat.

He reached out to you, “[Name], help.”

Before you could reach out, before you could touch him, his body appeared to envelop in flames before your very eyes. The bright flame burned deeply into your retinas as you fell backwards, lifting your hand in front of your face in a feeble attempt to shield your eyes from the merciless scene. Tears leaked from your eyes as you let out a scream. The second that the sound erupted from your throat the scene evaporated into the air. You slowly lowered your arm and pressed your palm to the floor. Those hot tears stung your cheeks as you pushed yourself onto your feet.

“Castiel?” you coughed on the smoke that had entered your lungs, though there was no trace of the fire that had burned up your friend mere seconds ago.

The sinister laughter still lingered in the air. It was louder than before, closer. Fear gripped hold of you as you lunged forward, pulling Bobby’s front door open and exiting the house as quick as your shaky legs would allow.

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