Chapter 11

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It been a week since Stella last saw Kelly. She was worried about him one minute they was getting on great and now he suddenly just gone. She ask Gabby and Matt and they both said he been acting weird and quiet. He wouldn't even hang out at the firehouse. Stella has tried to phone him and went round to see him but Kelly been ignoring his phone and avoided seeing her. Stella couldn't understand why but thought it best to give him space and wait for him to come to her.

Brett and Stella and the twins went round to Herman's he was throwing a barbecue. Stella ask Gabby if Kelly coming she shrug her shoulders and said she don't know she told him. Stella was really hoping that Kelly was here. Spending the day together last week made Stella feel whole again and she love watching him playing with the twins. She was wanted to tell him that he there father but she knew it was best not to yet. Dr Charles thought it might to much for him handle if he knew.  Stella was scare and nervous she never knew how he would react plus if he did got his memory back which she would be happy that he did she knew that it probably wouldn't be the same and that scare her. The love they had for eachother before he disappeared was out of this world and she never knew whether she will get the love they had back.

Everybody was having a good time the twins and some of the kids went round the front to help Cindy unload food and drink from the car that she forgot to pick. While everyone was talking in the back garden they heard and scream everybody ran to the front and to Stella horror she saw Charlie on the ground unconscious she ran up to him shouting Charlie ignoring everybody else she shouted to phone the ambulance and kept calling Charlie in hope that he was wakes abbey was at the side of crying begging her mom to let charlie be okay. Stella grabbed abbey went in the ambulance Cindy Kept in saying sorry with the tear in her eyes Stella never had the energy to speak to her. She was angry and upset and she was scare that she was going to lose Charlie. When they got to med they took Charlie away to be treated April took Stella to the waiting room and told Stella they doing anything they can and Stella begging them to make him better and she can't lose him. She sat down with abbey with abbey clinging on her lap. She ask abbey what happen and she said some other lads was playing with an ball and it went in the road and Charlie went running after it. The Brett and the other arrived and ask Stella how Charlie and she told she don't know and she bust out in tears Brett and Gabby tried to comfort her as best as they can. Matt tried to take abbey to the canteen to get her a drink and something to eat but she refuse she never wanted to leave her mom. Whenever abbey was scare or upset she would cling on to her mom for ages and wouldn't go to anyone else. Eventually dr halstead came and gave them an update he got an concussion and he got a badly broken leg which going to have operate on just about as Stella was going to ask if they can see him Tyler came running through the doors Stella turn around and told him he got no business being here and leave now I'm very angry voice Tyler was begging her that he want make sure Charlie was ok and he was leaving then all sudden from behind Kelly shouted ' she told you to leave' Tyler turn around it was like he was seeing an ghost 'so you not dead after all where the hell you been?' Just then the cops came and escorted Tyler out before he could get an answer. Stella stared at Kelly dr halstead said she could see him but she couldn't take abbey with her. Abbey started crying as soon as Stella tried give her to Gabby so Kelly got down to her and spoke to abbey calmly and he manage to abbey to let Stella see Charlie and she went to him. Kelly pick her up this was the first time she let somebody else comfort her when she was upset.

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