chapter 2

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Stella was in the kitchen getting an picnic ready she and Tyler was going to take the twins on a picnic. The weather was nice and they both had an day together. While they was having a picnic  Stella was watching Tyler play with the twins he was good with them. At the back of Stella head she kept on thinking that she wish it was Kelly that was playing with them. She knew that Kelly would of been a great father and it upset her deeply that twins will never meet there dad or have family photos with them all together.

She has never told the twins about there Dad or shown them any photos. After the twins was born Stella pack up all of Kelly photos and stuff that was important to her in a box an store them in the loft and she threw stuff away or gave it to Charity. She never wanted any reminders. Seeing photos of kelly brings tears to her eyes. She knew one day she will have to tell the twins about there Dad.

Apart of her was angry that Kelly was here with her. She never like these old friends of Kelly's she never trusted them she even told Kelly but he assured her that they was okay. Stella regretted not putting up more fuss and made him not to if she did Kelly wouldn't of gone.

Tyler and the twins sat on the blanket to eat on some food. While there was eating Charlie saying how about his friend got an Dad. Stella told him he has got an Dad he just can't be with us but he would if he could and he loves you both very much.  Tyler then  said to Charlie if you and Abby want to call me dad then they can. Stella interrupted and told the no you can't call him dad you call him uncle Tyler okay. The all agreed Tyler never looked happy about it. Stella told to help her pack up to go home.

When they got back Stella told the twins to go play in there room. She was not happy. When the twins was out of earshot she told Tyler to never ever suggest to her kids to call him dad. She also told him he not there dad Kelly is and she only wants them to know one dad and that was Kelly. Tyler was angered by this and reminded Stella that Kelly not here and he has been an father to them and doing all the stuff Kelly should be doing. He then storm out.

Stella sat on the chair crying she couldn't bear to hear her kids call Tyler there dad. She missed Kelly so much she never wanted to let go of him. But now she fear that Tyler was going to leave her.

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