Chapter 4

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Stella look at Neil in disbelief at what she was hearing and ask 'why was Kelly pretending to be James Andrews?' 'First I want to look at this photo and confirm it is Kelly and I will tell you the rest' Stella agreed and she ask jay for some water which he got her. Neil shown Stella the photo and she confirm it was Kelly. She put her hand over her mouth a cried she couldn't help it jay and Neil gave her a couple of minutes and they ask if there anyone she wanted to call. Stella said no she fine she needed to know why he been going under the name James Andrews. Neil then went on. 'The friends that Kelly took out on the boat wasn't being honest with him and it would appear they was using him' 'using him for what? 'Some drugs they was smuggling in fell off an boat we not entirely sure how it happen. But it was worth loads of money and they wanted it back and to do that they needed somebody with an boat and they came up with Kelly so they used him. When they went out on the boat there was an accident I not sure what happen but another group turn up and things went wrong and afterwards Kelly ended up in a coma for 2 months there was no Id on him and nobody knew who he was and nobody recognise him from our search or they never saw the photos that was put out. When he woke up he was in bad shape he couldn't walk or do anything he had to learn to do everything again and it took him months for him to be back walking and doing things for himself. Stella look at him and ask 'did he ask about me?' 'No this is going to be hard for you in  the accident he suffer a bad blow to the head and it left him with no memory' 'what you telling me he can't remember me or anything?' 'Yes he can't remember anything about his past life that why he never cameback' ' so what have he been doing all this time?' Neil look and jay he wasn't sure whether he should tell her or not jay told him to tell her. And then Stella ask 'tell me what?' 'Well the group that took him out of the boat were worried that Kelly might remember what happen and tell the cops also the other thing Is the other group that came  seems they took there drugs from them and they was hoping Kelly will remember something that might help track them down as he was first to see them. They had him tied up on the boat alone while they was diving. So a girlfriend of the leader pretended she knew Kelly and pretended to be his girlfriend and renamed Kelly as Jane Andrews' Stella stood up and kick the chair and ask 'so all this time he been with her?' 'Yes it seems that way' 'how can they do that they knew I was his wife and I was pregnant with his twins to take him away from me it been 6 years why couldn't you find him sooner?' We are sorry As we said we never knew who he was at first' 'so how did you find out?' ' we had put undercover cops in place to try the gather as much evidence against them. One of the undercover cops  said something wasn't right with the situation and when he caught his suppose to be girlfriend sleeping with her proper boyfriend confirm it. So he did more digging it was hard cause they wouldn't let anybody by Kelly they was very protected of him cause they never wanted it getting out but luckily we got an photo and the cop manage to get to talk to him and then we got an photo that match Kelly and also got a dna sample without him knowing to confirm it.

Stella took some deep breaths she was confuse she was having different thoughts going through her head 'so what happens now? Neil look at jay and told her there something else she should know ' about 6 months ago Kelly started having dreams of an girl matching your description not sure what they was about and but Kelly kept on talking about them it somehow felt real to him this got them into a panic so  the girlfriend pretended she was pregnant but she wasn't actually and ask him to marry her  and giving him jobs to do. He been fixing cars they hope if they keep him busy that he won't remember. 'Where is he now?' We got him to hospital where the doctors are looking after him and giving him counselling and trying to help his memory' 'Will he ever get his memory back?'

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