Chapter 4

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                                      Cry's p.o.v

           I walk out of my room and watch Snakes retreating figure, I sigh and someone clears there throat. I jump and look behind me at Scott, "Hey." I say softly, he smiles, "Come on Cry, you can eat with us today." he says and grabs my wrist gently, I follow him into a big lunch room type place, we walk over to Minx and Phil, he's glaring down at his food.

             "Just a bit?" Minx whines, tilting her head and giving him puppy dog eyes, he sighs and nods. Taking a very tiny bite out of his hamburger, Scott grins and pats him on the back.

           I sit down next to him and look down at my food, I'm not very hungry but if Phil can do it so can I, I eat very little of my food but enough of it that no attention is brought to it.

              "So, next we usually do crafts or crap like that." Scott says, looking at me, I nod. We all finish eating and I give a small smile to Phil as he throws away his food, "Good job." I say quietly, he grins, "Thanks." he says and walks over to Scott and Minx, me following shortly behind.

                I walk into the common area, as Scott refers to it, and sit by Minx, she gets out a blank piece of paper and starts randomly scribbling dark red and black figures onto the paper, she seems in deep thought so I don't bother her.

            I see Scott strumming the guitar but not really playing it, just playing random tunes. Phil has a book and is reading in the corner, I can't see the title but he looks interested in it.

         I pick up a pencil and a piece of paper, drawing the scene in front of me, making sure to incorporate even the smallest of details. I get lost in thought and find myself drawing the people in the background too, both Snake and Russ are watching me but I ignore their gazes and draw them, a bit blurred to add more emphasis on the people in the front.

             Scott stops strumming but I'm to caught up in my art work to look up and find out why, I bite my lip and finish drawing over half of the scene when a touch on my shoulder makes me jump. I look to my side and sigh when I see it's just Scott, "Yes?" I ask quietly, slightly hiding my picture from view.

       "It's an amazing drawing." he says, gesturing to the paper my hand is hiding. I nod, not really believing him but I might as well agree, saves time. "Thanks." I say lowly and uncover the drawing, going back to working on it as he watches silently over my shoulder.

             I look up to finish details for the background and I notice both Snake and Russ are missing, I huff softly and a deep chuckle sounds from behind me.

         I turn around and see Snake, Scott, and Russ looking at me with happiness, I flush from embarrassment and stutter for words, "Hey, calm down, we just came over here to see what you're working on." Snake says, and looks over my shoulder, I sigh and move my arm so they can see.

           Russ gasps and Snake picks it up, studying it in great detail, "Scott was right, this really is amazing." Snake says, Russ nods in agreement.

     I bite my lip to stop myself from protesting and look down at the table, trying to tune out their words of praise. I don't need anyone's false praises. Pity, that's all it ever is.

                    "Seriously, this is amazing, you made it look so realistic." Russ says, I roll my eyes slightly but they pay no mind to the subtle movement. Why won't they stop talking about it, the drawing is no where near amazing. I don't understand what they see.

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