Chapter 8

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                                       Cry's p.o.v

        "I hate you with a deep and burning passion." Ian states, looking directly at me. I giggle and shrug, taking the money and properties from Ian. "Who knew Cry was a monopoly lord." Anthony says, grinning at a pouting Ian.

      "Or you guys just suck." I say faintly, smirking to myself. The table goes quiet but then erupts ito laughter. "Sassy, Cry!" Pewds exclaims.

     I roll my eyes at them and gesture for Anthony to roll the die. "I officially forfeit, I mean Cry owns over half the board, that's like cheating or something." Anthony says, crossing his arms over his chest.

      I grin slightly and chuckle, looking at the others. "Let's do something else." Ian suggest, Pewds nods and I shrug. "Like what?" I ask softly.

       "Hmm, wanna find Phil and his boyfriend?" he asks, "Sure." I say, standing up, Pewds pokes me in the back and I turn to him, "What?" I ask, "I'll be back, bathroom break." he says, walking away. I shake my head and giggle as he sends me a playful wink before disappearing around the hallway.

         I turn around and jump back as I end up face to face with Toby, "Oh h-hey Toby." I say, scratching the back of my neck nervously. I haven't really talked with Toby since that little 'incident' a couple of days ago. You could say I've been avoiding him like he has the plague.

       "Cry." Toby says curtly, I manage to send him a forced grin and he sends one back. "Can I talk with you?" he asks, his face showing guilt. "Bout what?" Ian asks from behind me making me jump slightly.

       "Nothing that concerns you." Toby says flatly, glaring a bit at him. "Then the answer is no." Ian says, tugging slightly on my arm. "Wait!" Toby insists, catching the end of my sleeve.

   "What do you want?" I ask, pulling my sleeve away sharply. "I-I..I wanted to apologize, preferably alone." he says, glancing back at Ian. I sigh softly and glance at Ian, "Fine, you get five minutes." Ian says, looking at me before walking back to a questioning Anthony.

      "Can we go somewhere more...private?" he asks, I avoid looking directly at him and shrug. Toby sighs and runs a hand through his hair, he leads me to an unused room and I softly close the door.

        "Cry, I really am sorry, I want you to know that." he says faintly, looking down at the floor. My eyes flash to his face for a brief second before looking away again. I nod slightly and he sighs, "Your boyfriend seems nice." he comments, trying to change the subject.

       I shift uncomfortably, "He's not my boyfriend anymore." I mumble, barely audible. His head snaps up and I immediately close my mouth and look back down at the ground, "What did you say?" he asks lowly.

    "Nothing." I say softly, pulling at my sleeves. Toby walks closer to me and I cower away slightly, he smirks at my reaction and at that moment I know I'm screwed.

    "Tell me Cry, what did you say?" he asks, pushing me against the wall. "W-we broke up." I say faintly, looking up at him with wide eyes. I shiver in disgust when he smirks at me and moves his lips to the side of my neck. "So that means your all mine." he says.

       "Get the hell off me." I mutter, pushing against his chest. I see his jaw clench and he glares at me. "How about no." he says, pinning my wrists against the wall. I squirm in his grip and his smirk only grows.

    "Get off!" I say loudly, he covers my mouth with his hand and my eyes widen. This is bringing back way to many memories, oh god please make it stop. I can't breath, I can't breath, what's happening?!

       Toby let's me go and I cover my face with my hands, shielding my face. I squeeze my eyes shut and flinch when Toby touches my shoulder. "A fucking panic attack? Over something that small..pathetic." he says faintly, he grabs my wrist and pulls me to my feet.

      "One word about this and I'll take the razor back." Toby threatens, I look up at him and nod shakily, he smirks and opens the door, leaving me alone in the room.

           I wipe at my eyes and lean on the wall to steady myself. A panic attack..I haven't had one of those in forever. What did he mean by, 'I'll take the razors back.'? How did he know about the razors, unless...But, why would he give them to me? I'm not stable enough to be around anything sharp, let alone have a razor in my bathroom cabinet.

      Does he want me to kill myself? Is this fun to him, like a game of 'let's see how long it takes the suicidal guy to kill himself'? If so, then Toby needs better hobbies.

     I take a deep breath and rub my eyes, shakily pushing off the wall and out the door, sending a tight lipped smile to Ian who is giving me a questionable stare. He doesn't look to convinced but I ignore him and look for Pewds.

      I eventually find him talking with Scott, "Hey Cry." Scott says, I nod at him, keeping my head down slightly. Hiding my slightly red and puffy eyes behind my hairs fringe.

    "Hey." I say faintly, not really paying attention to the people around me. I'm still going over the conversation I had with Toby. "Cry, you okay?" a deep voice asks, causing me to bite my lip hard. "Yeah." I say, my voice coming out shaky and faint.

        "Mhm, Cry you suck at lying." Snake states, I huff and refuse to look at him, he sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Cry, look at me." he says, I shake my head slightly.

   "Seriously Cry, what's wrong?" he asks, I look away from him and notice that both Scott and Pewds have left to give me and Snake some room. Worst. Friends. Ever.

          "Nothing is wrong." I say firmly, still refusing to look at him. "Then look at me." he says, I sigh loudly and look up at him, glaring at him. Snake' sface morphs from one of amusement to one of worry. "Have you been crying?" he asks, putting a finger under my chin and tilting my head so I have to look him in the eyes.

    "No." I say stubbornly, biting my lip. "Again, I can tell you're lying. What is wrong? It's not anything to do with Felix right?" he asks, I automatically shake my head and he sighs in despair. "Then what is it? I can't help you if you don't tell me." he says, I frown and push him away slightly, "I said it's nothing, leave me alone." I mutter fiercely.

           Snake sighs and rubs his forehead, "Fine, talk to me when you want help." he says irritability, walking away. I glare at his back and look over at Pewds who is raising his eyebrows.

       This is going to be a long day.


  Fuck yes, I finished writing the dang chapter XD took long enough. Whelp, here it is. Enjoy or whatever.







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