Chapter 2

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*Trigger warnings!!!!! Again

                                  Cry's p.o.v

             I sigh and look down at sup guy, "I thought he cared about me." I mutter to the doll, "Said he would never send me back to one of these." I mutter again, glaring slightly at the doll.

       I sigh again and play with the hair on the top of his head, "I don't understand why people keep leaving me." I say to the plushie, I smile slightly and chuckle. "I still have you though." I say.

                  I put the doll down on the table and take out my drawing book and pencil, I doodle and let my mind wander. I look down at the paper and gasp in surprise when I realize I was drawing the man who came in earlier to give me sup, I shake my head and tear up the picture, ripping it to shreds and throwing it away.

           I sigh and pull my knees to my chest, "I wish Pewds would come back, I miss his hugs." I say softly to sup, it stays silent and I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

           I wipe at it and stay silent in my room until I hear a low humming coming from the hallway, I listen to it as it gradually becomes a soft singing and I hear the strumming of a guitar, I stand up curiously and open my door, peeking through it.

            I see a crowd of patients and doctors sitting and standing around one patient with a guitar, I walk closer in curiosity and watch from the very back of the room, blending in with the shadows.

           A man a little older than me is sitting on a chair strumming a guitar and singing softly to a song I don't recognize and laughing with some other people, I see him look over at me and give me a small smile, I stand frozen and look down. 'Please don't notice me, please don't notice me." I say quietly in my head, I look back up and sigh in relief as he looks at the group surrounding him.

             I hum lowly to the song he's singing and grin when he finishes and everyone claps for him, he puts the guitar down and stands up, talking to a couple of other people. "Hey." I jump at the voice by me and take a few steps away, I look up at a doctor with brown hair and glasses.

           "H-hi." I stutter, I look down and tug at my sleeves, waiting for him to leave me alone. "Hey, don't act so freaked out." he says, I look up at him and avert my gaze. "S-sorry." I manage to say through my closed throat. "Severe anxiety." he says quietly, I nod quickly and the doctor takes on a softer tone.

           "Hey, it's okay, my names Russ what's yours?" he asks and steps back a little, giving me more space. "C-Cry." I stutter. "Well Cry, you're new here?" he asks, I look back at him and nod, he smiles slightly and I relax a bit.

        "Do you want to meet some of the other patients, they're very nice." he asks. I hesitate and he notices, "None of the people here will hurt you Cry, you can trust me." he says, I bite my lip but nod.

           Russ smiles brightly and gestures for me to follow him, I do and he takes me to the group of people with the man that was playing the guitar, he looks up and grins at the two of us.

          "Hello." he says cheerfully, I nod and Russ chuckles, "Scott meet Cry, he just came today, he's very timid so be nice to him." Russ says, I watch as Scott's eyes light up in understanding. "Ah, okay, come on Cry, I'll show you some of my friends here." he says.

           I follow close behind him, already a little relaxed around Scott, he stops infront of two people, one is a girl with a purple streak in her hair and the other is a very skinny guy with black hair in an emo style cut. The girl giggles and waves at me, the guy is more subtle and says a small "Hey.".

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