Chapter 1

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*Trigger warning: Do not read if this may trigger depression or bad thoughts

Snake's p.o.v

Sighing, I look at Krism, my boss, "Is it true, are we getting a new one today?" I ask, looking out the doors at the other patients in varying ages. Krism, nods "Boyfriend turned him in, attempted suicide." she says and flips through the new patients file, "Why are we handling him?"I ask, confused as to why one attempt at suicide would land someone in here, a mental institution.

"It's not his first time, four other attempts and a history of depression, rough past." she says. I look at her in shock, "And how old is he?" I ask, a little scared for the answer. "Only 21." she says and sighs. "Poor kid." Ken comments, I nod in agreement and look at the file. "His name is 'Cry'?" I ask, finding the name odd.

"It's what he prefers to be called." she says and takes the file back, she looks up at the desk and at the computer, the door rings and she opens it using a button on the computer, for safety reasons the door can only be opened by this computer and one other in the main floor.

Krism walks out and greets the new patient, who is being ushered in by a tallish blonde guy. The new patient, Cry, looks up briefly at Krism but keeps his stare down. (No he's not wearing a mask ._.)

Cry looks up at the blonde guy and silently pleads with him, the blonde sighs in irritation and shakes his head, "This is the only way." he says quietly in a foreign accent.

Cry looks back down and scratches faintly at his arms which are covered with his sleeves and most likely bandages, his dirty blonde hair covering his face.

"Come along Cry, we already set up your room." Krism says sweetly, not the fake sweetness that some doctors give but a true caring tone, Krism really takes her job seriously.

The short dirty blond nods and takes one last glance at the tall man before following Krism, The blonde sighs in relief and rubs his forehead. "Who are you?" Ken asks, the man turns to look at us and smiles slightly. "Felix, Cry's boyfriend." he says, his voice sounds tired and worn.

"You've been with him through all of this?" Ken asks, Felix nods and looks back in the direction Cry went. "I-I just couldn't take it anymore, I don't know how to help him." he says weakly.

Ken frowns sadly at the guy and I speak up, "Bringing him here was a smart choice, we know how to help people like him." I say, Felix jumps a bit, my surprisingly deep voice scaring him, he nods and sighs.

"I hope, he really is a good person, when he's not depressed." Felix says, having kind of a far off look in his eyes. Krism walks back to us and he snaps out of it, "He's all settled in, you can see him next week, okay?" Krism says, he nods and turns to leave. "Wait, I forgot to give him something." he says and takes a white plushie out of his coat pocket.

Felix looks at Krism and holds out the stuffed animal, it has no arms and a blank face, with only two dots for eyes and a line for a mouth, its legs are like two tiny stubs and its whole body is pure white. "It's from when he was a kid, it helps him calm down." he says as he gives it to her, his eyes are a little glazed.

"I'll make sure he gets it." Krism says and looks curiously at the little thing, "I'll be back next week." Felix says as Ken opens the door, he walks out and Krism looks over at me and Ken.

"What do you think of the boyfriend?" she asks, I shrug and Ken sighs. "He just looks worn and tired, I think Cry pushed him to his limits." he says. I look down at the plushie and pick it up, "Want me to give this to Cry?" I ask, still studying the small thing.

Krism nods and picks up Cry's file flipping through it, her eyes get wide near the bottom and she gasps, "Jesus Christ." she says, I read over her shoulder and pale as I skim through his record, a few words repeat through the page, Raped, Abused, Starved, Beat.

Krism shuts the file quickly and takes a deep breath, we stay silent for a bit and I look back down at the plushie. "I'm going to go give this to him..." I say quietly, walking away, my head still spinning over Cry's file.

I knock on Cry's door and get a faint reply back, I open the door and walk in. The room is still very plain, only the necessities and some other things Cry brought with him are here.

Cry stares at the wall across from him and I clear my throat, he looks over at me and I see trails of dried tears on his cheeks. I sigh and smile slightly when I give him the doll, his face brightens and he takes it back, hugging it tightly to his chest. "Thank you..." he says softly, his voice deep and smooth.

"Felix wanted you to have it." I say, he nods but a small frown plays on his lips. I look around the plain room and look back at him, "This is your room so feel free to do whatever you like to it." I say, knowing that he will be here for quite a while.

Cry nods but looks down, I sigh and walk out of the room, closing the door behind me, this guy's going to be hard to help.



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