Chapter 5- My Camellia Japonica Nobilissima

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I sat there with my knees pulled up to chest and my face buried in my arms that were folded over my knees.

For the second time today, I ran from Helbram. I know I shouldn't be worrying the way I was but I couldn't help it. I had hurt his feelings two times too many and that was the cause of my own suffering.

I sighed, reaching up and taking the white bloom from my hair. I looked at it, trying to remember what Helbram had told me once.

"Hey, Cotton Tail, did you know that different types of flowers and colors have different types of meanings and symbolisms?" Helbram had said as we, along with Harlequin, sat in an area of large flowers.

"They do?" I had asked, a little intrigued by the fact. "What are some of the different colored flower meanings?"

He smiled. "Well, white represents elegance and innocence, red is beauty and courage, blue is inspiration, and yellow is happiness or joy."

"How do you even know all this?" Harlequin asked confused as I thought about all the different colors and means for the flowers around us.

"I do my research and I like to learn about new things," Helbram said pridefully.

"So, Helbram? If I were a flower, what do you think I would be?" I asked, trying to figure it out myself.

He crossed his arms and lowered his head in thought. "Hmm, let me think." He then flew over and sat next to me looking me in the eyes. After a few seconds he smiled. "I think you'd be a Camellia Japonica Nobilissima, a white flower that means love, affection, and admiration."

I blushed at his words. "Love?"

"That's right, usually it's given to someone that is well-liked." He looked at our Fairy King. "Harlequin would be a gladiolus."

"A what?" Harlequin asked more confused by Helbram's trivia of flowers.

"It's a sword like flower representing strength."

A flower meaning love, affection, and admiration that is given to someone you like huh? What if one day, someone would give me one?

Reflecting back on that memory made my heart ache even more.

"How could I be a flower that represents love and affection, when I keep running from the man I'm in love with just because of some stupid fear?" I asked myself before throwing the camellia over my shoulder.

I buried my face in my arms again and just listening to the wind as it blew through the leaves and flowers in the area.

I felt something touch the left side of my head, like something was placed in my hair. I lifted my head to met the yellow eyes of Helbram.

He smiled at me. "Hello again, Cotton Tail," he said placing a hand gently under my chin.

"Helbram? Why? How are you here?" I asked a little confused on how he found me. He had never been to my quiet place, only Harlequin and Sage. Those traitors probably told him where I was.

He looked confused by my response. "What kind of a question is that? Why, I'm obviously here to cheer you up," He chuckled and took both my hands in his. He pulled my up to my feet. "How I found you was due to Sage yelling at me about going after the 'poor sad girl' and Harlequin actually giving me directions."

So I was right, it was them that told him where to find me. I realized then what Helbram had said. "What do you mean your here to cheer me up? I hurt you by leaving you behind twice in the same day."

He gave me a sweet smile. "I knew the reason you flew off the first time but my sister told me why you had done it the second time." He frowned. "Are you really afraid that I'd only like you now that you started to grow your wings?"

I blushed, turning my head so he wouldn't see the shame on my face. I wasn't proud that it was what I was thinking especially since it wasn't something Helbram would do. I felt him place his hand on my cheek and turn my head back so I was looking him in the eyes. His smile warm and comforting.

"Wings or no wings, you're still the most beautiful when you're just being you, Cotton Tail," he said before his lips collided with mine.

My eyes widened at his motion but soon close as I deepened the kiss. His hand held my face in place as his laced his fingers with mine with the other. I placed my free hand on chest as I pulled away slowly, savoring the sweetness of the shared moment.

I opened my eyes to see Helbram smiling as me. I blushed but didn't look away. I gave him a nervous shy smile, not completely sure how to react.

"Cotton Tail," he said, his voice was gentle, nothing like that of his joking tone. He took a slight bow while he still held my hand. "Will you be my Camellia Japonica Nobilissima? My love, my affection, and my admiration?"

I was shocked. Was he asking me to be his girlfriend? After leaving him twice and not telling him what was one my mind, he still wanted me to be his girlfriend. I smiled and covered my mouth as I let out a giggle.

He looked at me confused before smiling and straightening up, taking my other hand in his, he brought his face down to mine and we shared another gentle kiss. After being like that for a few minutes, we broke apart.

"I would love to be your love, affection, and admiration but only if you become mine," I said, my adrenaline making feel more confidante.

Helbram smiled. He started to fly upwards, pulling my up with him. "Then how about we try this again. Cotton Tail, will you do me the honor of being my date to the Fairy King's Spring Moon Dance?" Helbram asked in the some soft tone he had the first time.

I smiled, my face feeling warm by the thought of now going as not only his date but as his girlfriend. "I would love to go with you!" I said happily.

We flew together, hand in hand, to the Spring Moon Dance where all the fairies still danced and enjoyed themselves. I spotted Sage and Harlequin floating nearby, both with a worried look on their faces. We flew over to them.

"Wow, you two look like terrible," Helbram said as we got to them. They looked at us, shock crossing their faces.

"Wait, you actually got Pearl to come back?" Sage asked coming up to me.

"Hey, have more faith in me than that, Sis," Helbram said, his smile not faltering.

"It's looks like he did more than just bring her back," Harlequin said, his eyes on our interlaced hands. I blushed, not sure how to explain what had happened.

"You're right there, Fairy King!" Helbram said in his normally joking tone. I looked over at him, but his eyes were serious. "Cotton Tail is my girlfriend now." He looked over at me and gave me a smile. "Now, if you would excuse us, said Cutie owes me a dance."

Helbram pulled me towards the other dancing fairies and placed his free hand on my waist as I placed mine on his shoulder.

For the rest of the night we enjoyed ourselves and danced. My heart no longer felt heavy and the only butterflies I had were when Helbram held me and kissed me sweetly. I was no longer afraid of sharing what was on my mind with him. Everything was perfect.

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