Chapter 1- Wings

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It was the early morning and the sky was a beautiful light blue with white clouds that looked as soft as petals on the flowers in the Fairy King's forest. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of the wild berries that resided within the forest.

I sat by a stream that ran within apart of the forest that wasn't as full of plantation as the part around the Sacred Tree. There were still fruits and berries around, which was why I loved the place so much.

When I wanted to be alone, I would come here and listen to the nature around me. There are a lot of times where I'd listen to the other fairies sing, joke, laugh, and play, and I'd drift asleep while feeling safety and comfort.

Though at the moment, there weren't any other fairies around the area. I laid back and listened to stream, closing my eyes to take it all in.

It's only the nature and me.

"Pearl!" A soft-spoken voice called out to me.

And Harlequin.

I sighed and opened my eyes as he floated down and hovered over the water of the stream. I sat up and looked up at the Fairy King before cocking an eyebrow.

Harlequin was the Fairy King of the Fairy King's Forest and all the fairies that lived within the realm. He had the appearance of a child, as did most fairies, with short carrot orange hair and copper colored eyes. He wore a yellow and baby blue hooded vest coat that buttoned over a navy blue long sleeve shirt and matching caprice. He had boots that matched his coat as well.

"I see you're enjoying yourself," Harlequin said with a mocking smirk.

"I was enjoying myself before a certain Fairy King came to bother me," I said annoyed. I rested my elbow on my knee and my cheek in the palm of my hand. I, then, returned his mocking smirk. "Don't tell me you're here to complain about having not grown your wings again?" I added in making his face turn as red as tomato.

"Hey, I'm just a late bloomer!" Harlequin shouted in a shrilled tone crossing his arms and legs before turning his head away from me. "And besides, it's not like you have room to talk considering yours haven't grown in yet either!"

I laughed and stood up. "Actually," I started to say before I turned my back to the Fairy King. I turned my head to look at him and saw him looking at me with amazement. On my back were a pair of light blue wings that had grown out about a foot. "Mine have started to grow in."

"No way." Harlequin flew down and examined my wings with interest. He smiled and landed in front of me. "That's amazing!" He said excitedly.

"I know, right? They started growing in a few days ago," I said with glee, happy that I finally have one of the best traits that fairies can have. Wings to a fairy was a big deal considering that help change not only with physical abilities but magical abilities too.

"Oh wow! Wait, has Helbram seen them yet?" He asked curiously.

I was taken aback and I blushed, my face burned at the very thought of the fairy in question.

I quickly turned around and bent down with my arms resting on my thighs and part of my face buried in my arms as I looked at the stream before me. In the reflection I see my light complexion under my wavy silver hair that curled midway down mu neck and my normally pearly white irises that surrounded the black pupil of my eyes, now a light grey due to my thoughts. I wore a black off the shoulder long sleeve dress that ended just above my knees but the train in the back continued to just below. I had matching flats with berry vines that wrapped around my ankles.

"Actually, I haven't gone to see him since they grew in," I said softly and I frowned down at my water double. My heart was racing as all the different scenarios flashes through my head.

What would he think of my wings? Would he laugh at how small they were? Would he like me more now that I had them? Would that be the only reason he would like me?

"Huh, why not? You're not afraid of him judging you, are you?" Harlequin asked coming to sit next to me.

I looked over at him. He gave me a gentle smile, that should have been reassuring, but I still felt nervous.

"You know better than anyone how I feel about Helbram. If I were to be noticed by him just because I have wings now, it would feel like I was insignificant to him the whole time," I said as my eyes began to water. "I- I wouldn't kn-know what to do or h- how to feel about it!" My voice broke as I hid my face with my hands, the tears flowing from my eyes and down my wrists.

"Aw, come on, Pearl. We both know Helbram wouldn't do that!" I looked at Harlequin as he stood up. "Besides, you and I both know what kind of guy he is! Sure, he jokes around a lot but he's serious and genuine about something when it counts!"

I was shocked by this boldness of the Fairy King, but nevertheless, I still felt beside myself on what I should do.

"For now, I think I need to be alone and think about some things," I said falling back so I was sitting with my knees to my chest.

Harlequin sighed in defeat, knowing I was done talking with him for now. "Alright, if you want to talk about anything, you can always talk to me," He said before he flew somewhere else into the forest.

I sighed and looked at the stream again. My body felt hot and I wasn't sure how to go about talking to Helbram.

Maybe I'm overreacting about all of this, I mean, I do have a habit of jumping to conclusions.

I laid back and looked up at the sky again. Maybe I can hide them for a little while longer before I actually go and talk to him.

My eyes grew heavy from the tears I had cried and soon I drifted off to sleep in my quiet place.


The air around me felt warmer than how it had been when I had fallen asleep. I opened my eyes and noticed the shadows had drifted then how they were earlier.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking up to the sky. By the positions of the shadows, I could tell it was a little after noon. I yawned and stretched my arms before I stood up and dusted off my dress. I looked behind me and fluttered my wings to make sure there wasn't any dirt caught in them.

Now that I was awake, I guess I probably should think about how I was going to—

"Lady Pearl!"

I sighed, "What now?" I looked towards the small fairy that flew down to me. "What do you want, Bayard?"

"Lady Elaine is looking for you," the Small Fairy panted out of breath.

I cocked an eyebrow, confused on why Elaine was looking for me when suddenly I remembered something important.

"Damn it! I completely forgot about the Fairy King's Spring Moon Dance!" I said my hands flying to my temples. "I told Elaine I'd get some of the sweet berries on the far side of the forest to make juice for the party! I can't believe I'm so forgetful!"

I flew upward, out of my quiet place and into the open air. "Thank you, Bayard! I'll see you later, I've got to quickly go see Elaine!"

I flew quickly towards the Sacred Tree, where I knew Elaine would be setting things up for tonight's party.

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