"Fuck. Dek. Jesus." Elik pants as my hole clenches around his thick cock. I push my hand in between us and move slowly through his thrusts. My dick jumps with every tug.

"Baby. I'm gonna cum." Elik puts his head into my shoulder and shutters. My tunnel fills with his hot seed and I cum a few minutes later. I milk my dick while Elik continues to work me through my orgasm.

"Fuck. That's amazing." I stand on wobbly legs. Elik helps me wash and we rush through the rest of the shower.

I jump out of the water when one of our children cry. I'm used to it. I don't think we have spent thirty minutes alone since their arrival. I miss my husband.

I throw a towel around my waist and skip stairs on the way down.

I watch as Yani consoles Shawn. That's different. He's not the crier.

"His belly hurts. He keeps hiccuping." Yani sits down and places the baby on her lap. She pats his butt and rubs his back.

His little body jolts every time the terrible hiccups ravish his tiny form.

"He probably ate too fast." Elik comes from behind me and sweeps Shawn up. He puts him on his shoulder and runs his cupped palm slowly from Shawn's tiny back to his neck. He pats him a few times.

Elik groans when hot formula lands on his bare chest.

"Okay. Let's get him cleaned up. You go clean yourself and get ready for work." I take Shawn and attempt to hide my chuckle.

"That smells awful." Yani giggles and grabs Shane from the bassinet.

"I would rather he puke it up than have his belly ache." I lay Shawn down on the changing table and strip him. Yani puts Shane down and makes up the tiny tub of water.

It really takes a village to raise twins.

I slip on a pair of sweats that Elik drops off to me.

I spend the next thirty minutes cleaning every tiny wrinkle, all the creases and his neck from the smell of rotten milk.

Shawn smells human again. I dry him off and kiss him repeatedly as I make him a new bottle. I feed him super slowly, burping him in between half ounces.

"I love you baby. I will see you at 2." Elik kisses me, Yani's cheeks and both our children's heads.

"I love you too. Be careful please." I rock my sleepy baby in our glider rocker.

"You hungry?" I ask Yani. She picks up Shane and moves her to the cradle of her arms.

"I'm still me Dek. Of course I am." Yani follows me back to the living room.

Ana walks in smiling. She starts breakfast. Once we are sitting down eating, she takes time to love on the kids.

"They get cuter every day." Ana coos and strokes their cheeks simultaneously.

"They really do. I love them so very much." I yawn the last word out. My eyelids are heavy.

"Dek. You need sleep. You're not gonna be able to keep this up." Yani pushes my hair back, lifts my head and shakes hers.

I grab my phone and text Maggie. These kids need Gammy time.

"Maggie is coming. I promised Elik." I finish my plate off and clean it before sticking it in the sink.

Not too long passes. Maggie waltzes in and pushes me down to the couch. She covers me in a blanket and kisses my forehead.

"Take a nap. Now. No arguing. Zayne is on the way and ready to enforce it. Elik tattled. You have to ask for help sweet pea. We want to help." I close my eyes and nod. Yeah sure.

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