"Let me tell you the story of how we met" he suddenly said making my attention snap back to him

And before I even realised he was already chatting away enthusiastically with that childlike excitement glint in his eyes

"we we're both enrolled and accepted at the FBI academy back then, I was 16 and she was 15 but it was clear that she had more experience, rumored was that she was trained personally by her grandfather—" he paused suddenly frowning before shaking his head and grinned at me forcefully "anyways during trainings and such, I was kinda.. able to keep up with her-her strength in combat" subtle flinch "her intelligence in hacking and mechanical basics, her deadly shots and incredible aiming" he then pursed his lips making me smirk in amusement noticing his mistakes "—to the point we both had tied in ranking... we we're both ranked 1st for 2 years straight. She hated me for it and I..ofcourse hated her too for her unwillingness to accept it, unwilling to share the rank I also worked hard to achieve"

He looked smug this time, with his arms behind his head, his eyes closed in content and triumph, and his mouth so wide in a proud and cocky smirk

I mentally rolled my eyes at him but couldn't help the ghost of a smile marring my lips as I imagine the hateful expression and the cold blank face on her younger version probably had that time

"First that she did was glare coldly at me anytime and anywhere, whether we lock gazes or she would just do it behind my back, on the side of my face, on my forehead" he laughed loudly waving his hand "the second thing she did was threaten me, personally. I was shocked since she never talked not even once that the superiors—all of us thought she was mute."

She went mute? No... the Yana I knew was very talkative.. and the Zaia now can talk though not that much

"whenever we had lectures with the superiors and the trainees she never said a word but they soon gave up on trying to get her to talk since they we're aware of the popularity of her last name and all." He shrugged with a small amused smirk "not to mention her poker face was scary as hell back then.. basically the reason why no one on the academy had the guts to mess or scold her— oh! I forgot...our hand-in-hand combat trainor senior Agent Alvarez somehow got her to talk once, during a spar in demonstrating a technique.."

He lookes thoughtful for a moment before shaking his head "but unfortunately we couldn't hear what they we're talking about at all... well whatever it was... worked on getting an emotion out of her which is: anger and fury.." he shuddered half-heartedly at the thought "I swear I still have goosebumps remembering her very pissed and outrage expression, her glare that time was uncomparable and much more to the next level to the ones she would give this time"

I wonder what was it about?.. what caused her that much anger?

Clapping his hands loudly he slouch back on his chair lazily

"Well anyways back to the story of our scars—"

"Wait! Who won?" I interrupted in confusion and curiosity

Snapping his blue eyes back at me he said "she walked out after shocking us on managing to flip Superior Agent Senior Alvarez.. but he landed on both his feet for the last second Zaia was already angrily stomping out of the gym"

I'm... out of words to say...

Studying my expression he nodded with a disbelief kind of smile "I know right."

"Ever since then she became more like an unstoppable machine than a human... she'd train for hours even after our usual combat trainings, us students would just quietly and wordlessly watch as she torture those dummies and punching bags even during breaktimes." He started flipping his phone up in the hair and catching it swiftly as he distractedly look at nothing in particular "like I said nonstop."

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