
56 2 1

(Time skip to school or something)

"So YOURE that f@g's boyfriend? Pshh  why get with him when I'm standing right in front of ya? Cmon you know he'll never be anything important! Stop wastin your time buddy. This guys useless!" A man with longish pink hair with an obnoxious widows peak who was also wearing a large blue jumpsuit began cackling at what he thought was a smart remark.

Those oh so familiar words rang throughout the prefects head.
Waste of time.
Never be anything important.
Taka began to tear up, he knows he's better than those harsh words but there was always this thought in the back of his mind taking those words as fact.

"The fuck you say? Shut yer goddamn mouth! Pick on someone who's actually willing to fight back you sack of shit!" Mondos face began to redden. His anger getting the best of him. He walked up to the pink haired scum to teach him a lesson...

"Mondo stop!! This is my business! You can't keep fighting for me like this all the time!!" A tear stricken Taka yelled throughout the halls

Taka has noticed the anger brewing inside of him. He wanted to prove to himself he was capable of taking care of himself. Mondo always helped him and now it was time to prove his capability to him.

Without thinking he socked him right in the face.

The pink haired male lay laying on the ground. In shock if what just went down he placed a hand in his cheek covering a bruise that had already started to form.

"Y-you actually hit me?! What the fuck man? Y-You really are a horrible person."

The words stung just as badly as ever, Taka had begun to cry again. This time in hysterical wails.

Mondo was completely silent for a few moments. The only audible sounds were Takas cries and the sound of (it's pretty obvious it's Souda so I'm calling him Souda from now on!) Soudas shallow gasps.

Mondo finally snapping back into reality ran to Takas aid.

"Look bro you stood up to him! I'm so proud of you!!" He cheered hoping to make the hall monitor stop crying

Mondo leaned in to hug Taka, he could feel his still trembling body. He whispered in his ear, "look what you did babe! You showed him whose boss, I'm so proud of you! You know he's nothing compared to you, don't let him get you down like this!"

Taka smiled, the first genuine one in a while. "Thank you for always believing in me, I just felt so useless compared to you...I wanted you to be proud of me and finally hearing you say it to me just.." he couldn't finish his statement without choking up.

"get a damn room dumbasses. Ok whatever your stupid boyfriend hit me. So what?" Souda snarled sarcastically

"Oh really? Just a second ago you were over there whimpering on the floor cus of what he did. Now get lost." Mondo yelped in a threatening stance.

Souda quickly picked up his dropped belongings and scurried back to class.

" I always knew that kid was a coward. Seems like the type of guy to keep promises that he can't own up to. I hate that type of people..." Mondo thought out loud. He turned to face Taka who sat beside him on the ground.

He knew Taka would be worried another peer or teacher would see so he led him over to the boys bathroom and slowly leaned in for a kiss. Mondos hot breath against Takas pale skin made the prefect feel accomplished, like he earned his love. They gently locked lips, only moving away to breathe every so often. Nothing escalated, especially considering it was a school bathroom after all. But they both thought it was quite nice and enjoyable. They finally enveloped once more into a hug. Takas arms around Mondos neck nuzzling his chest and Mondos arms around his waist.

"I love you" Taka whispered

"I love you too, you mean the world to me you know that?" Mondo chuckled

Taka responsed by hugging Mondo even tighter, the smell of motor oil and cologne once again filled his nose.

(Idk if I'll continue this story, we'll see tho! It was fun creating so lmk if you'd want more ishimondo)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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